Private Matches

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Sir Edwards

Sergeant Knight
Hello all, this is edwards from the IV Flavia Felix wanting to bring something up to the community.  I have noticed many snickering comments such as"we don't have any battles anymore!" "im not going to play if there arnt any battles" made by clan leaders/high ups. 

Quite frankly that is a bunch of rubbish in my opinion; if there are not public matches just organize your own little 1v1 or hell even up to a 3v3. 

Its very easy to organize, and it is very helpful in keeping the community satisfied.

Steps to doing this:

2. Contact a clan leader that you wish to fight(preferably one of a different faction to keep the balance) and schedule a match between your clan and his/hers for an equally beneficial day and time.

2. Reserve a server for this battle at least 5 days in advance.

3. Ensure that both sides will have a good amount of people going to attend.

4. Let the battle commense
Yap, DaG.
And, I got admin pass and permission to use it for the Thursday event, meaning that it will be hosted again today. Only Rome v Greece, though, as they are the only factions whose troop limits work.
the main objective of this thread is to ensure people know they can make matches themselves, not permanent matcvhes for every week or maybe so but thats for them to decide.
Yes, yes, but I just brought up that we do have permanent matches every Thursday, now when I got a server to use.
And btw, where is 1?
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