Currently bugged. Can be deleted as I don't want to transform code backwards for compatibility. Will be a part of new WRECK integrated macro operators.
This is a scrollable combobox button. The scrollbar will appear automatically when bottom border reached. WSE combobox has a scrollbar but the text will be scaled the same way as button. Meaning if you make button narrower the text also became narrow. The vanilla X_scale also behaves the same way. In this code this is not an issue.
The module system needs some adjustments before.
Add this 2 lines to the beginning of strings. It will generate 128 string entities with content that will be equal to registers.
Add new meshes. If you use wreck integrated just uncomment them in
Now we add the main code. In this code I use global variables, but you can store them in troop slots or anywhere.
Before you can use script to create combobox you need to store items text to string registers. Example is in 'script_store_division_names'. Starting register should be always s0. The end register is determined by items number.
Now add code to your presentation
This will create a combobox at position (500, 200) with size (500, 1000). Total 9 items will be inserted and the script that stores items text is "script_store_division_names".
Add this code before checking object and value of your custom combobox. In this code we replace local variables "bject" and ":value" of trigger params. That can be used later like a normal combobox check.
P.S. I haven't tested this code because I use wreck integrated and this code is reverted back manually. So feedback is appreciated.
This is a scrollable combobox button. The scrollbar will appear automatically when bottom border reached. WSE combobox has a scrollbar but the text will be scaled the same way as button. Meaning if you make button narrower the text also became narrow. The vanilla X_scale also behaves the same way. In this code this is not an issue.
The module system needs some adjustments before.
Add this 2 lines to the beginning of strings. It will generate 128 string entities with content that will be equal to registers.
strings = [
("register_s%d" % i, "{!}{s%d}" % i) for i in range(128)] + [ # Compatibility between string registers and strings entities
("empty_string", " "),
Add new meshes. If you use wreck integrated just uncomment them in
meshes += [
("ui_btn_drop_u", 0, "button_drop", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1), # (-0.017586,0.236414),(0,0.073),(0,0)
("ui_btn_drop_d", 0, "button_drop_clicked", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1),
("ui_btn_drop_h", 0, "button_drop_hl", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1),
("ui_btn_dropchild_u", 0, "button_drop_child", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1), # (-0.004735,0.221721),(0,0.058312),(0,0)
("ui_btn_dropchild_d", 0, "button_drop_child_clicked", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1),
("ui_btn_dropchild_h", 0, "button_drop_child_hl", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1),
Now we add the main code. In this code I use global variables, but you can store them in troop slots or anywhere.
# <"$custom_combobox_button"> - button_overlay_id
# <"$custom_combobox_button_items_num"> - num items
# <"$custom_combobox_button_str_script"> - script that stores strings to registers starting from s0
# <"$custom_combobox_button_value> - current item (value)
scripts += [
("store_division_names", [
(try_for_range, ":division", 0, 9),
(assign, ":str_register", ":division"), # str registers are just a numbers
(str_store_class_name, ":str_register", ":division"),
# Output: reg1 - overlay ID
("create_combobox_parent", [
(store_script_param, ":x", 1),
(store_script_param, ":y", 2),
(store_script_param, ":scale_x", 3),
(store_script_param, ":scale_y", 4),
(val_div, ":scale_y", 2),
#(ui_create_mesh, ":mesh_combobox_down", "mesh_ui_btn_drop_d", l.x, l.y, l.scale_x, l.scale_y), # Macro operator
(create_mesh_overlay, ":mesh_combobox_down", "mesh_ui_btn_drop_d"),
(position_set_x, pos127, ":x"),
(position_set_y, pos127, ":y"),
(overlay_set_position, ":mesh_combobox_down", pos127),
(position_set_x, pos127, ":scale_x"),
(position_set_y, pos127, ":scale_y"),
(overlay_set_size, ":mesh_combobox_down", pos127),
#(ui_create_image_button, ":button_combobox", "mesh_ui_btn_drop_h", "mesh_ui_btn_drop_d", l.x, l.y, l.scale_x, l.scale_y), # Macro operator
(create_image_button_overlay, ":button_combobox", "mesh_ui_btn_drop_h", "mesh_ui_btn_drop_d"),
(position_set_x, pos127, ":x"),
(position_set_y, pos127, ":y"),
(overlay_set_position, ":button_combobox", pos127),
(position_set_x, pos127, ":scale_x"),
(position_set_y, pos127, ":scale_y"),
(overlay_set_size, ":button_combobox", pos127),
#(ui_create_mesh, ":mesh_combobox_up", "mesh_ui_btn_drop_u", l.x, l.y, l.scale_x, l.scale_y), # Macro operator
(create_mesh_overlay, ":mesh_combobox_up", "mesh_ui_btn_drop_u"),
(position_set_x, pos127, ":x"),
(position_set_y, pos127, ":y"),
(overlay_set_position, ":mesh_combobox_up", pos127),
(position_set_x, pos127, ":scale_x"),
(position_set_y, pos127, ":scale_y"),
(overlay_set_size, ":mesh_combobox_up", pos127),
(assign, reg1, ":button_combobox"),
# Output: reg1 - overlay ID
("create_combobox_child", [
(store_script_param, ":x", 1),
(store_script_param, ":y", 2),
(store_script_param, ":scale_x", 3),
(store_script_param, ":scale_y", 4),
(val_div, ":scale_y", 2),
#(ui_create_image_button, ":button_child_combobox", "mesh_ui_btn_dropchild_h", "mesh_ui_btn_dropchild_d", l.x, l.y, l.scale_x, l.scale_y), # Macro operator
(create_image_button_overlay, ":button_child_combobox", "mesh_ui_btn_dropchild_h", "mesh_ui_btn_dropchild_d"),
(position_set_x, pos127, ":x"),
(position_set_y, pos127, ":y"),
(overlay_set_position, ":button_child_combobox", pos127),
(position_set_x, pos127, ":scale_x"),
(position_set_y, pos127, ":scale_y"),
(overlay_set_size, ":button_child_combobox", pos127),
#(ui_create_mesh, ":mesh_combobox_up", "mesh_ui_btn_dropchild_u", l.x, l.y, l.scale_x, l.scale_y), # Macro operator
(create_mesh_overlay, ":mesh_combobox_up", "mesh_ui_btn_dropchild_u"),
(position_set_x, pos127, ":x"),
(position_set_y, pos127, ":y"),
(overlay_set_position, ":mesh_combobox_up", pos127),
(position_set_x, pos127, ":scale_x"),
(position_set_y, pos127, ":scale_y"),
(overlay_set_size, ":mesh_combobox_up", pos127),
(assign, reg1, ":button_child_combobox"),
# Output: reg1 - overlay ID
("create_combobox", [
(store_script_param, ":x", 1),
(store_script_param, ":y", 2),
(val_sub, ":y", 1),
(store_script_param, ":scale_x", 3),
(store_script_param, ":scale_y", 4),
(store_script_param, "$custom_combobox_button_str_script", 5),
(store_script_param, ":num_items", 6),
(call_script, "$custom_combobox_button_str_script"),
(assign, "$custom_combobox_button_items_num", ":num_items"),
(call_script, "script_create_combobox_parent", ":x", ":y", ":scale_x", ":scale_y"),
(assign, ":button", reg1),
(store_mul, ":item_y", 30, ":scale_y"),
(val_div, ":item_y", 1000),
(store_mul, ":container_y", ":item_y", ":num_items"),
(gt, ":container_y", ":y"),
(store_div, ":num_items_fit", ":y", ":item_y"),
(store_mul, ":container_y", ":num_items_fit", ":item_y"),
(store_mul, ":container_x", 230, ":scale_x"),
(val_div, ":container_x", 1000),
(store_div, ":label_x", ":container_x", 2),
(val_add, ":label_x", ":x"),
(store_div, ":shift_y", ":item_y", 7),
(store_add, ":label_y", ":y", ":shift_y"),
#(ui_create_label, reg1, s0, ":label_x", ":label_y", tf_center_justify, ":scale_y"),
(create_text_overlay, reg1, s0, tf_center_justify),
(position_set_x, pos127, ":label_x"),
(position_set_y, pos127, ":label_y"),
(overlay_set_position, reg1, pos127),
(position_set_x, pos127, ":scale_y"),
(position_set_y, pos127, ":scale_y"),
(overlay_set_size, reg1, pos127),
(store_mul, ":offset_x", 10, ":scale_x"),
(val_div, ":offset_x", 1000),
(val_sub, ":x", ":offset_x"),
(val_sub, ":y", ":container_y"),
(store_div, ":child_x", ":offset_x", 2),
(assign, ":child_y", 0),
#(ui_create_container, ":container", l.x, l.y, ":container_x", ":container_y"), # Macro operator
(create_text_overlay, ":container", "str_empty_string", tf_scrollable),
(position_set_x, pos127, ":x"),
(position_set_y, pos127, ":y"),
(overlay_set_position, ":container", pos127),
(position_set_x, pos127, ":container_x"),
(position_set_y, pos127, ":container_y"),
(overlay_set_area_size, ":container", pos127),
(assign, "$custom_combobox_container_size_x", ":container_x"),
(assign, "$custom_combobox_container_size_y", ":container_y"),
(set_container_overlay, ":container"),
(store_div, ":half_container_x", ":container_x", 2),
(try_for_range_backwards, ":str_register_no", 0, ":num_items"),
(call_script, "script_create_combobox_child", ":child_x", ":child_y", ":scale_x", ":scale_y"),
(store_add, ":label_x", ":child_x", ":half_container_x"),
(store_add, ":label_y", ":child_y", ":shift_y"),
#(ui_create_label, reg1, ":str_register_no", ":label_x", ":label_y", tf_center_justify, ":scale_y"),
(create_text_overlay, reg1, ":str_register_no", tf_center_justify),
(position_set_x, pos127, ":label_x"),
(position_set_y, pos127, ":label_y"),
(overlay_set_position, reg1, pos127),
(position_set_x, pos127, ":scale_y"),
(position_set_y, pos127, ":scale_y"),
(overlay_set_size, reg1, pos127),
(val_add, ":child_y", ":item_y"),
(set_container_overlay, -1),
(overlay_get_position, pos1, ":container"),
(position_get_y, ":container_y", pos1),
(val_sub, ":container_y", 750),
(position_set_y, pos1, ":container_y"),
(overlay_set_position, ":container", pos1),
(assign, reg1, ":button"),
Before you can use script to create combobox you need to store items text to string registers. Example is in 'script_store_division_names'. Starting register should be always s0. The end register is determined by items number.
Now add code to your presentation
(set_fixed_point_multiplier, 1000),
(call_script, "script_create_combobox", 500, 200, 500, 1000, "script_store_division_names", 9),
(assign, "$custom_combobox_button", reg1),
This will create a combobox at position (500, 200) with size (500, 1000). Total 9 items will be inserted and the script that stores items text is "script_store_division_names".
(store_trigger_param, ":object", 1),
(store_trigger_param, ":value", 2),
(set_fixed_point_multiplier, 1000),
(store_add, ":mesh_u", "$custom_combobox_button", 1),
(eq, ":object", ":mesh_u"),
(eq, ":value", 0),
(overlay_set_display, ":mesh_u", 0),
(eq, ":object", "$custom_combobox_button"),
(eq, ":value", 1),
(overlay_set_display, ":mesh_u", 1),
(try_for_range, ":item_no", 0, "$custom_combobox_button_items_num"),
(val_mul, ":item_no", 3),
(store_add, ":offset", "$custom_combobox_button", 4),
(store_add, ":cur_item_button", ":offset", ":item_no"),
(store_add, ":mesh_child_u", ":cur_item_button", 1),
(store_add, ":label_child_u", ":cur_item_button", 2),
(eq, ":object", ":label_child_u"),
(eq, ":value", 0),
(overlay_set_display, ":mesh_child_u", 0),
(eq, ":object", ":label_child_u"),
(eq, ":value", 1),
(overlay_set_display, ":mesh_child_u", 1),
(set_fixed_point_multiplier, 1000),
(mouse_get_position, pos10),
(store_add, ":container", "$custom_combobox_button", 3),
(overlay_get_position, pos1, ":container"),
(position_get_y, ":container_y", pos1),
(key_clicked, key_left_mouse_button),
(gt, ":container_y", 0),
(position_get_x, ":mouse_x", pos10),
(position_get_y, ":mouse_y", pos10),
(position_get_x, ":container_x", pos1),
(store_add, ":upper_bound_x", ":container_x", "$custom_combobox_container_size_x"),
(store_add, ":upper_bound_y", ":container_y", "$custom_combobox_container_size_y"),
(this_or_next|negate|is_between, ":mouse_x", ":container_x", ":upper_bound_x"),
(negate|is_between, ":mouse_y", ":container_y", ":upper_bound_y"),
(val_sub, ":container_y", 750),
(position_set_y, pos1, ":container_y"),
(overlay_set_position, ":container", pos1),
(store_add, ":mesh_parent_u", "$custom_combobox_button", 1),
(overlay_set_display, "$custom_combobox_button", 1),
(overlay_set_display, ":mesh_parent_u", 1),
Add this code before checking object and value of your custom combobox. In this code we replace local variables "bject" and ":value" of trigger params. That can be used later like a normal combobox check.
(set_fixed_point_multiplier, 1000),
(store_trigger_param, ":object", 1),
(store_trigger_param, ":value", 2),
(eq, ":object", "$custom_combobox_button"),
(store_add, ":container", "$custom_combobox_button", 3),
(overlay_get_position, pos1, ":container"),
(position_get_y, ":container_y", pos1),
(val_add, ":container_y", 750),
(position_set_y, pos1, ":container_y"),
(overlay_set_position, ":container", pos1),
(overlay_set_display, "$custom_combobox_button", 0),
(try_for_range, ":item_no", 0, "$custom_combobox_button_items_num"),
(store_mul, ":offset", ":item_no", 3),
(val_add, ":offset", "$custom_combobox_button"),
(store_add, ":cur_item_button", ":offset", 4),
(eq, ":object", ":cur_item_button"),
(assign, ":object", "$custom_combobox_button"),
(assign, ":value", ":item_no"),
(assign, "$custom_combobox_button_value", ":value"),
(call_script, "$custom_combobox_button_str_script"),
(store_add, ":label_button", "$custom_combobox_button", 2),
(store_sub, ":maximum_value", "$custom_combobox_button_items_num", 1),
(store_sub, ":item_text", ":maximum_value", ":value"),
(overlay_set_text, ":label_button", ":item_text"),
(overlay_set_display, "$custom_combobox_button", 1),
(store_add, ":container", "$custom_combobox_button", 3),
(overlay_get_position, pos1, ":container"),
(position_get_y, ":container_y", pos1),
(gt, ":container_y", 0),
(val_sub, ":container_y", 750),
(position_set_y, pos1, ":container_y"),
(overlay_set_position, ":container", pos1),
(store_add, ":mesh_parent_u", "$custom_combobox_button", 1),
(overlay_set_display, ":mesh_parent_u", 1),
P.S. I haven't tested this code because I use wreck integrated and this code is reverted back manually. So feedback is appreciated.
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