Please make the unit banner more transparent.

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As above, the unit banner are way too obscuring when in big fight
Also can you guy please make holding alt = show unit banner?
I turn it off because its too obscuring and breaking my immersion but when i need it i dont wanna go turn it on and off again.

Thank you devs!

On foot, "follow me" in third person and you can't see **** anymore because your units are so close.
More options there would be nice.
F1, F2, F3, F3 Will have soldiers follow you in loose formation. Solves that problem for the most part (not really a problem, the default formation is tight formation, the problem is in the game not really explaining formations).
F1, F2, F3, F3 Will have soldiers follow you in loose formation. Solves that problem for the most part (not really a problem, the default formation is tight formation, the problem is in the game not really explaining formations).

Yea i got the most issues in hideouts with my men in shield wall right behind me while i was sniping.
(Won't have that problem anymore because i won't play that silly minigame anymore without a mod that let me bring my troops).
But in general it would be dope if we could switch it on and off or adjust the intensitiy of the banners at some point.
Yea i got the most issues in hideouts with my men in shield wall right behind me while i was sniping.
(Won't have that problem anymore because i won't play that silly minigame anymore without a mod that let me bring my troops).
But in general it would be dope if we could switch it on and off or adjust the intensitiy of the banners at some point.

I'm not disagreeing with having icons be toggle-able (good luck on the battlefield though, when you realize you've been bopping your own guys on the head, or worse start actually killing them with arrows, since not all armors adapt to faction colors), just to be clear.

Was just pointing out that setting dudes to loose formation while following you makes it almost a non-issue in hideouts. They'll still occasionally walk too close to you as they try to position themselves relative to you but it isn't nearly as bad.

It is funny when they walk right in front of you as you fire and end up tagging 'em in the noggin though.

(The reason it happens is because they're trying to get into position, and the AI system can only update where they need to be so often.. Slower than the player can move around and change direction, by necessity. If that was recalculated every frame we'd end up rocking single digit FPS).
so little having the same problem as me tho why T.T
i can't see shet with the unit banner on large battle especially when line crash into each other.
also we need an indicator if we are friendly firing!
I agree. An option would be nice and maybe a rule that doesn't allow the banners to pop up near the screen.
I agree the unit banners are too damn big, this bugged the hell out of me in Warband and bugs the hell out of me now in bannerlord... in fact it really does look like they've been ripped right out of warband which is fine fow now BUT please make them smaller...much smaller or just give us a slider so we can pick the size please :grin:

Also, the killfeed in the top right corner could be abit smaller too :grin:
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