Please dont nerf every item people complain about

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Just throwing it out here was in a party of 6 for captains yesterday and after a few wins we were stuck in searching limbo with 45 + people in que but not finding a game for 10 min plus. Is this intended to keep us from facing pubs or whats going on.

There was a server issue around 6 PM UTC yesterday. Do you remember if it was around that time?
10 mins sounds excessive, something might have gone wrong. As explained in the previous Hotfix, matchmaker prefers to match parties of 6 against each other but should default to regular match making if no such match is found after some time. There are more interactions being experimented with and we will be explaining them in detail in the future when they are fully implemented.
That’s what I was thinking perhaps it couldn’t find a match of equal party numbers , some one in group said after 3 min it’s suppose to widen the search, but that didn’t occur no big deal was just curious if it was a wider issue than just us.
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