Petition for all of NA.

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You say, that NA players want NA servers ran by NA, so if it is true, they won't leave for the Nexus servers. Unlike the NA servers, Nexus has implemented something unique in their server and they don't have to share anything. Nothing personal, but this is business, kid, business that doesn't pay ;P
I didn't mean for this thread to turn into drama, we are just really worried our gaming community is going to be shut down cause of this.  Sorry for dragging you into this Matt.  My intentions regarding this post was not to start drama, I am just very concerned over the thought of losing all of our hard work, and the death of our community.  No one will be able to compete against that technology, which is why we are pleading with you to just keep it away from us.  Nexus is a single group, though they are a good team, we feel other teams should be allowed to pursue further development for the fun of it.  They Dominate EU, and with your help would Dominate NA.  Why should one single Team on PW be allowed to dominate every region of PW?  It isn't really fair.  They didn't develop the script yet they are toppling other communities with it.  Just let us have a chance to grow.  :~(

It would be totally different if they made it themselves, but LCC made it.

And no one understands why we feel like it is kind of a cheap shot to the NA community. 
Yeah NA community is constantly bashed on and discourages new players quickly.
Since Server crashes sometimes and bad things happen i say why bother establishing a kingdom for it to topple the next day by poor leaders. Just play for the present for fun, not serious roleplaying and such like cRPG but for fun and entertainment...
No good is going to come of this thread anymore. 

GG NA community, walmart is coming to town and we are all gonna lose our jobs cause of it.

We will still attempt to resist, and serve the needs of our own local community.

Thread closed.   
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