Perisno Mod Bug Reports

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Delete Perisno Folder and re-extract the mod, if the problem persists then download a new copy and extract that one. It might be some files were corrupted during the download.
King Rafklazan and other unique spawns can still be taken prisoner sometimes, which makes it impossible to get their unique weapons.
Seems to happen when another NPC/lord party is already fighting the spawn, and victory triggers the 'thank you for coming to our aid bla bla bla' dialogue.

The quest to track down bandits seems to be broken.
After successfully completing it, the option to ask for a job just disappears from the conversation menu. Kinda annoying.
It seems to reappear after you do the same quest for a different Guld Master, however. Weird.


Lazy Buttons said:
The quest to track down bandits seems to be broken.
After successfully completing it, the option to ask for a job just disappears from the conversation menu.
But it always did, didn't it?
I always considered it normal and simply meaning that the guildmaster has no more quests for you.
Maybe this isn't a bug i'm not sure but i recently downloaded perisno update 0.8.14 as well as patch 0.81 and installed them. I wanted to try something different so i joined a lord's army(Hakkon's king or whatever) and my computer doesn't have the best spec so i used a battle sizer with the native warband but it doesn't seem to be working with the mod so whenever i go into battle there is usually over 500 troops fighting and the battle lags a lot. I tried reinstalling the warband battle sizer as well as editing the battle size in the  rgl_config.txt to about 2.000 and it still sets it to as many troops as possible. Is there a fix to this or am i going to have to join a smaller lord's army? please help!
Leonion said:
Lazy Buttons said:
The quest to track down bandits seems to be broken.
After successfully completing it, the option to ask for a job just disappears from the conversation menu.
But it always did, didn't it?
I always considered it normal and simply meaning that the guildmaster has no more quests for you.

Yeah, I realized that it resets after you take the same quest from any other guildmaster.
And no, it's not that the guildmaster has run out of quests. When he has (all the quests are on cooldown), the game calls for this dialogue option: [anyone,"merchant_quest_requested", [], "I am afraid I can't offer you a job right now.", "mayor_pretalk",[]],

Here, the way it works is that the guild master has a pool of non-random quests the game selects from first, as long as they're not on cooldown: track down troublesome bandits, or make peace (maybe something else, not sure?), and then a pool of random quests that always get called second: deliver wine, ale, cattle; deal with troublesome bandits; rescue daughter, etc.

But since Perisno has so many bandit parties, and caravans get attacked all the time, the quest to track down bandits that attack travelers constantly gets refreshed and bumped to priority #1, and then, after it is completed, you can't do any other quests due to the option disappearing.

I tried doing guild master quests in Khul Vara and Bulgan. Every time, the first quest offered (if I didn't already have 'track down bandits' in quest log) would be the 'track down Saccar Raiders'), and even if I did it instantly by teleporting and defeating the bandits, it would immediately pop back into queue in another city. (Khul Vara / Bulgan).

It's just that the quest to track down troublesome bandits have the highest priority, and in Perisno, caravans constantly get attacked, so it is always at the front of all the available ones. It can be circumvented by taking the quest and having it in your log for a while, then you start getting other quests..

It seems that the problem is that when this quest is completed, it doesn't properly reset either the partner_quest counter, which is the condition that make the option to ask for a job appear. I don't know if it's supposed to work that way or if it's just a bug. Just making guesses.

In the end, it's no big deal, just strange behaviour. I thought it was a Perisno bug, but it's probably something from Native.
Jaxxix said:
Maybe this isn't a bug i'm not sure but i recently downloaded perisno update 0.8.14 as well as patch 0.81 and installed them. I wanted to try something different so i joined a lord's army(Hakkon's king or whatever) and my computer doesn't have the best spec so i used a battle sizer with the native warband but it doesn't seem to be working with the mod so whenever i go into battle there is usually over 500 troops fighting and the battle lags a lot. I tried reinstalling the warband battle sizer as well as editing the battle size in the  rgl_config.txt to about 2.000 and it still sets it to as many troops as possible. Is there a fix to this or am i going to have to join a smaller lord's army? please help!
Set your BS in BattleSizer program to minimum and the set the BS you want inside the game.
BattleSizer works as a multiplier on top of Perisno multiplier.
Leonion said:
Jaxxix said:
Maybe this isn't a bug i'm not sure but i recently downloaded perisno update 0.8.14 as well as patch 0.81 and installed them. I wanted to try something different so i joined a lord's army(Hakkon's king or whatever) and my computer doesn't have the best spec so i used a battle sizer with the native warband but it doesn't seem to be working with the mod so whenever i go into battle there is usually over 500 troops fighting and the battle lags a lot. I tried reinstalling the warband battle sizer as well as editing the battle size in the  rgl_config.txt to about 2.000 and it still sets it to as many troops as possible. Is there a fix to this or am i going to have to join a smaller lord's army? please help!
Set your BS in BattleSizer program to minimum and the set the BS you want inside the game.
BattleSizer works as a multiplier on top of Perisno multiplier.
yeah that worked thanks
Lazy Buttons said:

Dwarves do seem to get stuck in several ladders and stairs where as regular sized troops can do so without problems. You will also notice this flaw when using a Dwarven character yourself, must be because of their short stature though I'm not sure.
So I became a king for the first time yesterday, character got married and I had about 5 lords with a castle and a couple villagers each. Loaded the save game today, and all the land I'd taken was still mine. But every single lord in the entire game (not just my faction) had disappeared. And apparently I was married to a lord (brother-in-law when I saved my game yesterday). Also, my character's face/hair had been changed somehow so that the face was all scrunched up, and the hair was completely missing. All my other save games are fine, no problems with any of them.

Any ideas as to why?

Edit: The only kind of error message I got was something about tab_heraldric_banner_02, if that's anything relevant.
Sri Singha Mura said:
Delete Perisno Folder and re-extract the mod, if the problem persists then download a new copy and extract that one. It might be some files were corrupted during the download.
Been a couple days and the problem is still there even with a fresh download of M&B:W and Perisno.
clock4orange said:
InMyPants13x said:
Leonion said:
What problem?
InMyPants13x said:
This happens to me every time I start the new game  :meh: can't even get passed the character creator screen.

This problem.
this looks more than your GPU goes overheated

I have never had this problem playing this mod during the 0.7 phase of it's installment, strangely enough I can even play Floris no problem.
Hey. Great Mod. Found a bug with the "missing portait" quest. Once you get the quest off the princess you can just fight a party of assassins without having to find the lord she asks you to first.

Not game breaking but thought you may want to know.
For Ianthas Castle a bunch of your soldiers will refuse to move from the back of the area when you are sieging it. You can make some of them move by using the nearby soldiers call and then getting them to charge, but huge clumps of your troops are still stuck.
InMyPants13x said:
Leonion said:
What problem?
InMyPants13x said:

This happens to me every time I start the new game  :meh: can't even get passed the character creator screen.

This problem.
Oh, you have an image in the post.
Strangely, my browser does not display it.
I didn't see the link until I quoted the message.  :smile:
I was going to write "What exactly? I'm not a psychic blahblablah".

Anyway, this bug... :shock:
It's generally not the kind of bugs one can cause in a particular mod, so I don't even know what to say...

Did you recompress any textures? Maybe used Ordenador?
Does it happen regardless of what race/sex you choose?
Scene: Dillac Castle

Problem: units ignore the default wide ladder and instead try to climb the narrow steep ladder and get stuck.

This is probably one of the rare instances where adding more ladders made a siege worse.

Scene: Headow Castle

Problem: defenders spawn in an inaccessible place on top of each other until there are 100+ of them crammed behind a single clown car hay wagon.

I know Syabr or whoever is doing the scenes is busy these days, but I'm just reporting in hopes that it will get fixed in the next release, or in case you didn't already know.
So I was trying to make custom merc troops using heraldic armor to match my banner, but they don't seem to be using it. Instead they come out with the default red and black one. Is this a bug happening for everyone or just me?

EDIT - Nvm just figured it out. The armor wont show the banner in the party/inventory screen/talking screen, but will properly show up in battle. But I guess you could say it's a bug or something that can be added in for future reference.

EDIT 2 - So new question, why are all the ladies so old? All the marriageable candidates are like in their mid 20's up to mid 40's. I guess you can say it's a realistic option, not everyone is born the day you are. But Perisno doesn't have a feature where new ladies are born either so, meh. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not though, as it didn't happen before. I think the 0.7 version they were at least mid 20's and under. I'm using Mel's mod, but I doubt that's the problem.
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