SP - General Other Means of Acquiring Recruits (besides Villages, Mercenaries and Cities)

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Currently the AI and PC are constrained to where they can get recruits and soldiers. This does tend to enable one faction rolling over another rather quickly. Although certain adjustments have been made to circumvent this, it still, in my opinion, isnt enough.

My suggestions is this: Each clan, family, minor faction could have their own population counter that they could delve into to get fresh and new recruits. When I think of a clan I think of a collection of people with a leader. If our PC is the leader they should have a constantly changing population that lives under our clan banner (not just the villages, cities, and castles we conquered). The populations of a clan could be spread out through the different holdings a character has, so if all their holdings are gone maybe this number is diminished greatly, or if the character has delved into this clan pool too much, available recruits could be unavailable. This would make it harder to take out factions, but also make it more interesting. Each clan could have unique soldiers and upgrade tree.

Different factions could have different set of rules, perks, advantages and disadvantages with regards to this mechanic. For instance Khuzaits are a nomadic people. They might not be too negatively impacted if your cities fall, since they live on the plains anyways.

Clan populations could have different expectations of your PC. You could have different choices to make to govern them, give them improvements. Maybe train your soldiers.

You could even allow us to customize our own clan soldiers (armor, perks, light/heavy, ranged units) spending from a pool of available points. This would be really fun.
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