Oldest version 0.210 is available for download!

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Yep, it works now.
Ok, so can you guys (veterans) now tell us what this is? Is this like the first mod? If so, nice bit of history.
But somewhat I can´t fail to notice that rhodoks are now pwning pretty much every faction in the game.

Also why are they carrying a shotgun and nunchakus on his back?
A new release on "dia de los tontos" o "dia de los inocentes" and people are posting instead of playing.  :neutral:

Real or not, I'll wait until tomorrow to download...  I've got to work regardless.  :roll:

P.S.  Nice spell correction...  See if you get Spanish. :neutral:
Check out the graphics  :shock:

This is my party of Vaegars in the thick of it against a horde of deserters.

i'll dl when I get on my computer... :grin:
I'm a bit confused: is that really so that there's undead and not nords or krehjt? :shock:
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