Official 3D art thread - Warband

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I thought you said you weren't going to be back untill tomorrow... or was it Saturday...?  :???:

And how do this?



Whaddya think?
bgfan said:
It appears I can't use my speculars as shaders... I get an error Failed to get shader  :sad:
I'll assume you know how to make bump map(normalmap). Open your brf and then...

you have to make a specular map, use your,let's say, and desaturate it in photoshop (you will need nvidia dds plugin). Then paint allmost black color (using pure black in some cases may cause issues) over the cloth part. Save it as Make sure you save it as DXT1 (1bit alpha), never fails

Second: (you have to watch on order of importing; first goes textures,then materials,then meshes):
import your;,,

in the Tex tab

into mat tab  import new material Then fill in the boxes;

Shader  box:

DiffuseA box:

Bump box:

Specular box:

Spec RGB box:
  8    8    8

Coeff box:

Flags box (never forget this):

View (just in case):

ok you know this part, import rigged mesh and assign the materiall and thats it.

Now the values I posted may not fit your desire, play around untill you get a hang of it.
Thats all from me and the time I got  :wink:
Yeah. I had made a completely different texture to the original tunic, but then I pasted it on top and changed the blend mode to pinlight and so the folds look out of place. I'll fix/remove them tomorrow

(not sure if any of that made sense)
Queen Pinky said:
Yeah. I had made a completely different texture to the original tunic, but then I pasted it on top and changed the blend mode to pinlight and so the folds look out of place. I'll fix/remove them tomorrow

(not sure if any of that made sense)
Made sense to me.  :wink:

Gallic axes for the Roman Mod.

captain lust said:
I thought you'd at least do a google search :roll: .

Gallic means "of the Gauls". The Gauls came from France. You know, Asterix and Obelix? Not Gaelic. They do not mean the same thing, they are not interchangeable.
The term "Gael" is used for  Irish or Scottish Celts, and "Gauls" where one of the Celtic tribes so where is the problem? Celts are Celts mr Asterix... or they are not?

And this is 3d art tread, wrong place for this kind of conversations,I just asked a simple question and you had to play smart..I know, it's harder then you  :roll:
Zimke, your English sucks, the sooner you learn that you say stupid things sometimes because you didn't understand something, the sooner my headache goes away.

In English, and probably most languages, Gaelic = British ; Gallic = German. Gaelic = Gael. Gallic = Gaul.

If you continue, you're just trolling.
Fine axes!

What is Gallic about Germans? They're German! In German words: "Gallier" lived in France, Belgium
and Swizerland and "Gaelen" on the British Isles. ...still the words are related!
Austupaio said:
Zimke, your English sucks, the sooner you learn that you say stupid things sometimes because you didn't understand something, the sooner my headache goes away.

In English, and probably most languages, Gaelic = British ; Gallic = German. Gaelic = Gael. Gallic = Gaul.

If you continue, you're just trolling.

That is so ignorant and wrong.
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