Need a new class of heavy infantry with 2hand weapons and looter perk for every functions (at least in siege and tdm)

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Now 2 hand inf(except guard)dies more easily,runs slower in battle and is more even peasant picks up 2hand weapon can do better.why not try this?
for example:
clan warrior $100=>90 (get looter perk)
savage $120 ms:81=>82
wilding $130
oathsworn $150 a:53 ms:80
elite falxman $170 a:53 ms:80 (same perks with oathsworn,same weapons with savage)
i think most people agree that the restrictive
class system, how it exists now, is not ideal,

yes i think all heavy infantry should have the option to have a 2 handed weapon (or any weapon they want really(within reason like you cannot carry 2 pikes etc))

and yes it is silly no matter how much gold(influence) you have you cannot choose to have basic weapons (sword,shield, 2hander, spear) so you have to hunt down the weapons you want on the battlefield to equip yourself (keep in mind that the athletic perk is so important that you cannot choose anything other then that so you do not have access to even a spear, unless your khuzait)

just be patient and wait for custom servers,

i know taleworlds is trying very hard to make something new work, but i do not like the perk system changing the way combat works with damage modifiers with no logical reasoning behind it

i and many others on the forum are exhausted trying to explain why the game isnt doing as well as it should due to bad design(imo); the game we want will come when others have a chance to design it

i love taleworlds and hope they can change,
but i do not believe they have the authority to make changes themselves and they are simply following orders from mostly single player orientated bosses who do not understand the necessity of fairness in a multiplayer game (fairness meaning good mechanics which encourage competitive gameplay, such as manual blocking, rather then cheap tactics like crushthroughs, horse bump slash (that you cannot block) and archer's arrows penetrating plate armor while going around/under shields that you have no ability to block)
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