Native Completed Nditions' European Duelling Tournament II! | Won by [M]!

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Scoreboard and bracket updated.

[M] said:
Here's the same list with links to PM your opponent and Alex. Good luck with your duels everyone


Thanks, I'll try to remember to do something like that with next round's, but for now that one's so close I can't be bothered. =p


Forgot to mention, not gonna be sending out global PMs this tournament since it was a load of effort, and I suspect the only people who actually read them were people who were reading the thread anyway. I'll still send PMs if people are slipping behind on their duels or something, but if you want to know what's going on, just follow this thread.
arsenic_vengeur said:
Kain 21 Warcus 44
Match I : Marcus wins 7-0.
Gg Kain tbh I didnt expect that.

Good fightin, as I said im no dueller :grin: good luck with the rest o your fights! though i do notice im not quite out yet!
Scoreboard and bracket updated.

Added a win/loss column in the participants list. ( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
I have to withdraw from the tournament, just got a new job and have overstretched my schedule.

I'll have my duel with Carl tomorrow because we have already arranged it ( unless that proves problematic from an organizational viewpoint, Alex ? ), best of luck to all participants and my apologies for any possible inconvenience.
0-7 to Shieldings_Monkey.

He did well, and is a good player.

I'm withdrawing, however; I should have read the rules more thoroughly, and having only one server choice with 170 ping just isn't really possible.

Best of luck.
Application withdrawn: Zan.

Angantyr said:
I have to withdraw from the tournament, just got a new job and have overstretched my schedule.

I'll have my duel with Carl tomorrow because we have already arranged it ( unless that proves problematic from an organizational viewpoint, Alex ? ), best of luck to all participants and my apologies for any possible inconvenience.

No problem, and it won't cause any organisational difficulties, I'll just have you as withdrawing after the duel.

Rhade said:
I'm withdrawing, however; I should have read the rules more thoroughly, and having only one server choice with 170 ping just isn't really possible.

No problem.

Gulatr said:
Is it still possible to sign in as a competitor?

Since there's a fair few people withdrawing, I don't think it's a bad idea (for the first couple of rounds of the tournament) to let people who wish to join instead replace a player who's already withdrawn. Since Zan hasn't fought any matches yet, you'll be replacing him.


Oh, and bracket and stuff updated for the NeatharGolradir and MonkeyRhade matches.
Godnoken said:
Damn, how do I always miss this tournament.. D:
No way to join now, eh?

Alex_C said:
Since there's a fair few people withdrawing, I don't think it's a bad idea (for the first couple of rounds of the tournament) to let people who wish to join instead replace a player who's already withdrawn. Since Zan hasn't fought any matches yet, you'll be replacing him.

So you would be able to replace either Rhade or Agantyr. If you replaced Rhade, you'd start on the bottom bracket, if you replace Agantyr, where you start depends on his duel (today?) with Carl.
Godnoken said:
I'll replace Angantyr then.  :smile:

That'll go through as soon as his duel today's done.

TitanToe said:
Damnit Alexander, I might have to fight you again! I shall ween this time! If I beat Mawi or Hideyoshi that is.

Lies. D=
I will fight Angantyr today at around 1930 CEST. After that is done we will know where you can join in and replace him. righty right? Cause i dont really want to fight you now, Godnoken.  :roll:
Saxnot said:
I will fight Angantyr today at around 1930 CEST. After that is done we will know where you can join in and replace him. righty right? Cause i dont really want to fight you now, Godnoken.  :roll:

Yep, you fight Agantyr today, then he withdraws, and then Godnoken replaces him.
Yes, that's how it is going to be.
And why don't you want to fight me now?
Angantyr is a much a better dueller than me anyways.  :razz:
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