Native Expansion for Warband - Download & Install Details

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This is the official download post for the Native Expansion mod for Mount & Blade: Warband

The current *beta* release is:  .606b, for use with Warband version 1.160 (though 1.153 should work as well)

How to install Native Expansion:
Native Expansion installation path should look like <Warband_Installation_Folder>\Modules\Native Expansion [BETA]. If installed correctly, it will appear as 'Native Expansion [BETA]' in the drop-down menu when you launch M&B.

Steam Users: Your M&B: Warband folder is probably located under C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\mountblade warband\Modules
Steam users with 64-bit Windows: Your M&B: Warband folder is probably located under C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\mountblade warband\Modules

Additional Recommendations:
We highly suggest you also install the Siege Pack, an awesome addition by Lord Samuel that updates city and castle maps to have additional ladders for sieges.
It is located here:

soulmata personally suggests you use the M&B Battle Size Modifier, and crank your battles up to at least 400 if your CPU can take it - and 800 is even better.

Lav personally recommends going to 'Configure' menu when launching Warband and making sure that the option 'Load textures on demand' is turned on. If your computer can handle the game with this option turned off, the better for you, but if you ever experience the problem with some game textures becoming pitch black, turning it on will generally help.

Native Expansion v0.609b (Sep 20, 2014) changes:
  • Arena is in use. Merged Tournament and Arena menu options. Regular arena is now unavailable during tournaments.
  • Town menu reorganization. Moved player's enterprise menu option to merchants menu.
  • Town menu reorganization. Moved NE Blacksmith menu option to merchants menu.
  • Town menu reorganization. Moved "Manage Garrison" and "Reinforce Garrison" menu options into "Manage town/castle" menu. Might need a different name for it.
  • Town menu reorganization. Moved recruitment orders into Manage town/castle menu. In the situation when player can recruit nobles but cannot manage the town, he will still get "Recruit nobles" menu option in the main town menu.
  • Safe game start. Changed menu items order in game-starting menus for Brutality and Dark Knight, so the first option is always the safe "proceed forward" one.
  • Town menu reorganization. Added new town menu "Talk to locals". Moved talking to guild master and visiting lady to this menu. Also added options to talk directly to tavern keeper, ransom broker (if in town) and book merchant (if in town).
  • Skills balance - Persuasion. Recruitment relation requirements modified somewhat for peasants and nobles: player's allegiance, status and persuasion are taken into account. Foreign nobles will require at least some positive relation to be recruited.
  • No elites for scoundrels. Elite troops now require Honor to be recruited, modified by player's persuasion. Regular lord needs Honor >= 20 - Persuasion, faction marshal needs Honor >= 20 - 2 * Persuasion, while faction leader needs Honor >= 10 - 2 * Persuasion.
  • Interface arc - Settings. Module Settings presentation: it is now possible to change player's kingdom color, name and nobility title set. Other options will be added as time goes along. Currently available nobility title sets: Byzantium (default), Arabic, Persian, Polish, Spanish, English, Japanese, Soviet :twisted: and American :cool:. Contributions are welcome.
  • Interface arc - Settings. Completely moved all game settings to new settings screen and replaced the camp settings menu.
  • Interface arc - Settings. Companions Overseer now can be turned on and off as looting interface.
  • Interface arc - Settings. Implemented key configuration in Settings screen. Settings screen is now officially complete except for any future changes in the game design. Note that all key-activated features (including Overseer) will become unaccessible with this patch unless player defines keys for them.
  • Interface arc - Settings. Turning wounding system on and off now has an immediate effect on active wounds. Also, severity of wounds is affected by brutality mode (attributes are affected by 1 point without brutality and by 1 point with it).
  • Better logging. References to lords, locations and factions should now be proper links in all log messages. Older log messages will remain as they are.
  • Better management. If player is marshal or king, he now can sponsor constructions in other lords' fiefs by paying 50% of the cost. Note that the price and time is calculated using the average of the best engineer in player's party and the royal engineer (level 1 normally, level 2 for player's kingdom with logistics advisor hired).
  • Map visual enhancement. Tweaked default colors for player's party (yellowish white), player's kingdom (blue) and outlaws (red). Existing games will be unaffected. These colors can be changed easily now anyway in the Settings screen.
  • Better dialogs - patrols. Expanded dialog with patrols a bit when player is marshal or king of the same faction. It is now possible to relieve patrols of their prisoners, and to point them to a different area within the kingdom.
  • Bugfix - correct numbers. Noble troops price could be displayed incorrectly sometimes.
  • Bugfix - you can't eat barrels. Removed food bonus modifiers from Ale and Wine as these are not really food items.
  • Bugfix - no need to tell twice. Removed display of extra screen with results of last combat round when using Companions Overseer for looting.
  • Bugfix - bandits? what bandits? It was possible to rest at village manor despite village being infested by bandits.
  • Bugfix - once is enough. Removed duplicated dialog option to give troops to your lord.
  • Bugfix - I said once is enough! Village militia quest will not be offered if the village already has a militia.

=== Release notes for older versions are under this spoiler ===
Patch 0.608b8 (Sep 17, 2014) changes:
  • Bugfix - self reference. When asked to tell about location of all lords, lords will no longer tell about themselves.
  • Bugfix - error spam. Noble title assignment script was cleaned up to prevent red error spam in some situations.
  • Bugfix - useless menu. Finally removed "Give troops to garrison here" option from where it wasn't needed.
  • Bugfix - wrong menu activation. When trying to recruit nobles in town but not having enough money, player was thrown into village menu.
  • Bugfix - double clicks Removed double clicking sound when clicking most buttons in Companions Overseer.
  • Advanced formations. Enabled Warband advanced formations (telling soldiers to form several lines, ordering to fire on player's command only, ordering left flank/right flank/center to fire, telling troops explicitly to use ranged or melee weapons). Can be disabled by modifying module.ini file and setting use_advanced_formation parameter to 0.
  • No more capital/court duplication. Removed the court/capital duplicating each other. Player's kingdom capital is now where his court is. Moving players court will move his capital and advisors, as well as change all NE capital-related calculations.
  • Town menu cleanup. Moved "Move your court here" menu option to "Manage this town/castle" menu so it wouldn't clutter menus of all player's towns and castles.
  • Town menu cleanup. Removed "Manage your kingdom" menu entirely.
  • Town menu cleanup. Moved advisor recruitment to minister dialog. Note that you need a proper minister to hire advisors.
  • Better reports. Implemented Fiefs Status report. Player must be a lord or a king to use this report.
  • Better reports. Implemented Construction report. Player must be a lord or a king to use this report.
  • Better reports. Implemented Military Alerts report. Player must be a lord or a king to use this report.
  • Optimization. Optimized patch graphics content to reduce patch size.

Patch 0.608b7 (Sep 8, 2014) changes:
  • Expanding dialogs arc. Added a dialog option with lords to ask about location of all other lords in the kingdom.
  • Enhancing reports arc. Expanded Relations report screen to include last known location of all known lords.
  • Bugfix - lost loot. Fixed Companions Overseer bug when ctrl-clicking "Retrieve" button. Now correctly loads player's inventory with the best stuff from both player's inventory and loot (freeze your inventory slots with right mouse button that you do not wish to be included in this behavior).
  • Expanding dialogs arc. Added Ransom Broker dialog option to sell all prisoners at once, at 10% discount.
  • Better sieges and raids. Implemented Caba'drin's fix to allow player movement (within certain range) while raiding villages or besieging castles. Removed siege menu options to access party and equipment as player now can do pretty much anything for as long as he doesn't stray too far from the besieged center.
  • Expanding dialogs arc. Added a dialog option to ask lords about their attributes and skills, when relation and/or persuasion are high enough.
  • Better noble titles. Implemented more variable nobility titles, lords now get their title depending on their status (faction ruler or the best fief they hold). Had to rename a couple of kingdoms to prevent inconsistencies. Player faction gets it's own set of titles - Byzantium-based for now, but there are plans to allow player to pick any available set (including native kingdoms and several custom ones).
  • Bugfix - duplicate functionality. NE's town/castle menu option "give troops to garrison" was appearing even when there was vanilla "manage the garrison" option present.
  • Enhanced map icons. Implemented a major enhancement of game map icons - almost all mobile parties now have unique party icons. Lords get their icon according to their faction and status (regular lord, marshall and king). Player's own visual representation on the map also received a buff. No special icons for lords of player's own kingdom and dark knights (may come in the future though). Change is savegame-compatible, but for an existing game all parties will get new icons gradually instead of instant replacement. Credits for new graphics go to Dedal, Slawomir of Aargh, Somebody and yours truly. :smile:
  • Bugfix - repeated gifts (hopefully). Liege's gift to player if player's relation with the king is high enough was repeating for some reason. Have no idea why, everything should work perfectly, but just in case I've implemented stricter restrictions. Please report if in your game you receive king's gift more than once.
  • Enhancing reports arc. Added Companions Overseer to Reports menu for easier access (can still be accessed by pressing "O" on the global map).
Patch 0.608b6 (Sep 3, 2014) changes:
  • Skill balance: Tracking. Tracking skill now increases chances to catch a defeated enemy lord (2% per skill level).
  • Skill balance: Spotting. Spotting skill now increases chances to catch a defeated enemy lord (1% per skill level).
  • Skill balance: Pathfinding. Pathfinding skill now increases lord's chances to escape after defeat (1% per skill level). Does not do anything for player.
  • Skill balance: Ironflesh. Ironflesh skill now reduces incoming damage by 1 point per skill level.
  • Surrender option returns. Fixed surrender logic for outnumbered enemy defenders as with increased troop levels in Native Expansion old force calculations resulted in never surrendering enemies. Now behavior of outnumbered garrisons is much more reasonable.
  • Alternative deathcam. Implemented an alternative version of deathcam with freestyle mouse rotation.
  • Arwa the Strip-Tease fix. After one of previous patches, pretender Arwa lost her body armor when player is visiting the castle she's in. Fixed that.
  • Character and Companions report. Added Hero and Companions Report, integrating Character Report and Companions Mission Report.
  • Dark Knights fixes. Fixed renown for dark knights. Existing saves will be updated automatically.
  • Dark Knights fixes. Dark Knights will never betray their Dark Lady, nor will their Lady indict them for whatever reason.
  • Dark Knights fixes. Dark Lady is now much more decisive and won't waste weeks to decide who gets what village. Any centers Dark Knights capture will be distributed within days, and sometimes hours, after capture. They should also become much more aggressive and more prone to go on the offensive.
  • Dark Knights fixes. Dark Knights should no longer waste their time on random feasts when there are lands to conquer.
  • Dark Knights fixes. Player can no longer make peace with Dark Knights. Maybe a possibility to join the DKs will be re-introduced in the future, but for now DKs will remain the Threat of All Existence. Players beware.
Patch 0.608b5 (Aug 28, 2014) changes:
  • Extra options during siege. Added options to view own party and inventory to siege menu, so player can upgrade/reorganize his troops and change his equipment before the assault. Dialogue and player's own character sheet are unfortunately unavailable.
  • Player's conquests are remembered. If player captures the center and asks for no rewards, he's still remembered as the one who captured it and thus stands a greater chance to get it anyway.
  • Knocked out during sally does not equal retreat. If player is knocked out during defenders' sally but his troops are victorious, it is now possible to proceed with the siege instead of retreating.
  • Bugfix - persistent lairs. Fixed the problem of bandit lairs not disappearing after being cleaned up.
  • Reorganized Reports menu. Reports for party size, party morale, faction relations and known lords have been re-made. Available both through Reports menu and on the Reports tab of the Notes screen.
  • New report: troop trees. Added faction troop trees display to Reports menu (3rd party OSP pack, credit to dunde and Caba'drin).
  • New report: political map. Added political map display to Reports menu (3rd party OSP pack, credit to rubik).
Patch 0.608b4 (Aug 21, 2014) changes:
  • Bugfix - town siege, inner keep. If player was defeated during third stage of town siege, it was impossible to retreat. Should work now.
  • Bugfix - script error spam. Cleaned up code in a few places that resulted in script error spam.
  • Cleaned up item modifiers. Several item modifiers that had no gameplay effects (except for rarity and price) were removed from game items.
  • Improved Trade Goods. Trade goods now come with a great variety of modifiers, making trade potentially more profitable.
  • Patch for Deliver Grain quest. Quest rewards are higher if player brings large bags of grain.
  • Goods Merchants. Money for merchants dealing with trade goods have been increased yet more.
  • More ammo. A number of item modifiers have been enabled for arrows, bolts and thrown weapons.
  • Leaving the faction through dialog. As a workaround for being unable to leave the faction due to not being assigned your due fief, implemented a dialog option to keep your fiefs when renouncing oath. This option incurs a serious penalty to player's honor and controversy though.
  • New heraldic items. Several heraldic armors have been added to the game. Might need stat balance to properly fit with NE items.
  • Lords civilian clothing. All lords are now wearing heraldic clothing when in castles.
  • Village elder names. Provided names to all village elders, more or less compatible with their culture.
Patch 0.608b3 (Aug 06) changes:
  • Fixed Village Icons. Villages no longer reset to the same icon a few game hours after game start.
  • Item Requirements in Overseer. Companions Overseer now displays item prerequisites and matches them for player and currently active companion.
Patch 0.608b2 (Jul 27, 2014) changes:
  • NPC Rebalance. All recruitable NPCs have been balanced to fit with player's power level. "Fantastic Four" was brought down to Earth as they had like 20-50 more character points than player would at their level, and their character levels have been slightly reduced to allow player greater flexibility in training and upgrading them. All other NPCs retained their levels, but their attributes and skills have been buffed to match player at similar levels.
  • Arrows/Bolts Fix. Original NE was a bit of a mess here, with vanilla +6 arrows still being sold in stores and Iron Bolts dealing more damage than Steel. Fixed that (more or less).
  • Arena Melee Fights Patch. Replaced archers in Arena melee fights with a sword-wielding horseman. Never could understand what an archer is doing in melee fights anyway. Also rewards for melee fights have been redone completely, and participating in melee fights is now an extremely viable option for a starting character, both in terms of gold and xp.
  • Merchant Inventory Regen. Remade code for inventory regen of armor and weapon sellers. They'll have more randomized wares now, and their old stock will slowly be replaced with new stuff (while any items not matching merchant's specialty will be removed from the inventory in a day). Also, merchants in general get slightly more gold, and get more gold as the player progresses in levels.
  • Updated Companions Overseer. Updated the presentation to version 1.20, and integrated it as the standard looting interface.

Link to the post with the development progress for the next version of Unofficial Patch.


Quest changes:
* The 'Train Militia' quest has been greatly enhanced. The quest itself remains the same, though the benefits it offers to the economy are greatly improved. The specific changes to the quest are:
> Completing a Train Militia quest will give the village a standing militia, which you can see the status of every time you visit a village
> When attacked, a standing militia gives a village an 80% chance to completely thwart a bandit attack
> If they successfully defend against the attack, there is a small chance the militia will be destroyed and unable to recover on its own
> A village with a standing militia will double the time it takes to loot a village. This is on top of the benefits from having a Watch Tower and Palisade.

In all, these changes should serve to make the Train Militia quest much more lucrative for the player to fulfill and will help make really poor-off villages in the far flungs of an empire that tend to be vulnerable to bandits and looting more defensible.

Aesthetics changes:
* All Village Elders now have a unique name. The names have been chosen loosely based on the culture they originate from, and are hopefully unique throughout the game. This has no purpose as of yet other than aesthetics, though hopefully it will add a little flavor and immersion to an otherwise forgettable group of important NPCs. You will see the Elder's name at the Village menu as well as when talking directly to him.


Quest changes:
* The 'Train Militia' quest has been greatly enhanced. The quest itself remains the same, though the benefits it offers to the economy are greatly improved. The specific changes to the quest are:
> Completing a Train Militia quest will give the village a standing militia, which you can see the status of every time you visit a village
> When attacked, a standing militia gives a village an 80% chance to completely thwart a bandit attack
> If they successfully defend against the attack, there is a small chance the militia will be destroyed and unable to recover on its own
> A village with a standing militia will double the time it takes to loot a village. This is on top of the benefits from having a Watch Tower and Palisade.

In all, these changes should serve to make the Train Militia quest much more lucrative for the player to fulfill and will help make really poor-off villages in the far flungs of an empire that tend to be vulnerable to bandits and looting more defensible.

Aesthetics changes:
* All Village Elders now have a unique name. The names have been chosen loosely based on the culture they originate from, and are hopefully unique throughout the game. This has no purpose as of yet other than aesthetics, though hopefully it will add a little flavor and immersion to an otherwise forgettable group of important NPCs.

Gameplay changes:
* New characters now have a much nicer assortment of items on start, all of which are geared loosely toward what options you selected on character creation. You will receive more money all around, with more money going to nobles, merchants and descendants of nobles or merchants. Some characters will have an heirloom item given to them - just a regular item, but one that makes sense. Additionally, the career path you choose for your character in adulthood will determine a set of starting gear, rather than everyone having the exact same mail armor, broken sword, crossbow and lame horse. Specifically, you now receive:

... if your father was a Noble: +2500 Denars.
... if your father was a Merchant: +1500 Denars, 1 additional Saddle Horse
... if your father was a Veteran Warrior: +500 Denars, mid-tier Long Sword
... if your father was a Hunter: +500 Denars, mid-tier bow, steel arrows
... if your father was a Nomad: +500 Denars, Steppe Horse (in addition to your lame saddle horse)

... if you became a Squire or Lady In Waiting: +1250 Denars, full suit of Mail armor, Hunter Horse, Shield, Spear and Sword, Manual of Arms
... if you became a Troubadour: +1000 Denars, Instrument, several high quality foods, half suit of light armor, short sword, Rhetorica ad Herrenium
... if you became a Goods Peddler: +500 Denars, +8 high quality merchant goods, additional Saddle Horse, half suit of light armor, A Treatise on the Value of Things
... if you became a Smith: +1000 Denars, Mid-tier Sword, Mid-tier Mace, full suit of Mail armor, On the Art of Fighting with Swords
... if you became a Game Poacher: High-tier Bow, 2x Steel Arrows, Short Sword, Shield, lots of dried food, full suit of light armor, Hunter horse
... if you became a Student: 3 Random Books, Short Sword

Note: These are not intended to be "balanced" against each other. They are just an extra bonus that you receive for any character you create, due to the substantially rough start NE gives you. All in all, this really only amounts to a few thousand Denars of value, which a veteran player can score from a single tourney on Day 1. The idea is that now you can jump straight into the game rather than having to do something incredibly boring (like Arena fights) just to scrape up enough to hire a single soldier to follow you. If you want to start off trading right away, now the Merchant start actually has some trade goods and an extra horse to help you carry it.

Note: I am also aware the 'Student' start has no clothing. That will be addressed later.

Note: All characters still receive the generic light crossbow and bolts at the beginning. I left that in to ensure that nobody could start without the ability to fight back against the bandit that attacks in the start.



Mechanics changes:
* NE is now fully merged with Native 1.153. Extensive regression testing has NOT been done - there may be a few or even many, many bugs as a result of this. If you spot them, report them!

Troop changes:
* A huge number of balance and sanity changes have been made, primarily correcting mistakes from the Troop rebalance
* A huge thank you goes to thurax for his help in finding and fixing many of these problems

Balance changes:
* The DK have been slightly nerfed; many DK units had 'impossible' skill levels (>10), these were all set to a maximum of 10.

Bug fixes:
* None



Troop changes:
* Merc Females have been assigned item lists. The item lists are not finalized but for now they should at least have equipment.

Balance changes:
* The deliver wine quest time limit has been increased to 15 days, and can only trigger when your level is at least 10

Bug fixes:
* Dark Knight invasion is now randomly set from 30 to 200 days, rather than an unintended day 1 invasion.
* Train Peasant Woman quest now works properly and does not ask for invalid troops
* A debug message has been intentionally left into the game when attempting to use the new Tactical Surrender
* A stray (try_end) was culled from the total_defeat menu, which may have broken tactical escapes
* An incorrect call to renown change in tactical escapes was fixed



Lav's Companion Overseer Presentation:
* This version of NE along with all future versions will be bundled with Lav's Companion Presentation, which greatly enhances the original control system for soldiers. The version bundled with .604b is 1.01.

Troop changes:
* The troop overhaul has been completed for all six main factions and mercenaries. Every troop in this tree has been rebuilt from the ground up, including item customization, proper leveling, skill assignment and more. This is a monumental change, so we fully expect this to have some bugs at first.

Item changes:
* The item overhaul has been completed. This is a monumental change, so we fully expect this to have some bugs at first.

Brutality mode:
* An experimental game play mode called 'Brutality' has been added as an option. This will greatly increase the difficulty of the game and CANNOT BE DISABLED once enabled, so be warned.

Recruiting changes:
* The recruitment costs for Nobles and Elites has been increased substantially. Additionally, Nobles and Elites will deduct a small portion of your renown to recruit, as well as having a minimum level of renown they check  before they will follow you into battle. This change can be toggled on/off in the camp menu.
* If you are a vassal or monarch, you can no longer recruit soldiers from other factions. They will be fearful of reprisal from their lord and decline to follow you. This change can be toggled on/off in the camp menu.

Escape changes:
* Based on the Pathfinding skill, the player is now given a choice to attempt a risky escape when losing a battle. This will result in a huge reputation hit with any companions, as well as greatly increase the chances of losing items. Additionally, if a Lord would have previously let you go due to him favoring you, he will angered by the escape attempt and give you no such opportunity.

Building/Kingdom Management changes:
* Schools now provide their bonus once per week instead of once per month
* The threshold for an adviser warning you of rebellion has been lowered

Bug fixes:
* Kingdom Advisers now pay attention to the larger kingdom influence radius
* Numerous small bug fixes

Item changes:
Next wave of the item rebalance has been completed: Shields and Polearms. To date, this means all armor, missile weapons and polearms have been finished to adhere to the new internal consistency guidelines.

Bug fixes:
Numerous flag issues on polearms/shields, some conflicting modbits.

Bug fixes:
* Fixed a minor bug that prevented Ruthless and Forest bandits from using their bows
* Fixed some modbit errors and missing attributes on some bows/throwing weapons

Gameplay/Balance changes:
* You now have two bodyguards when you are ambushed by bandits in cities and villages. The bodyguards are chosen from your party list in descending order. You still are robbed if you get KO'ed.

Bow changes:
* Bows are now centered on the longbow.
* Short/Hunting bows will be more accurate and faster to fire but with lower damage and lower missile speeds
* Strong/Composite bows will be more accurate, have more damage and faster missile speeds, but be slower to fire and require more skill
* Ashwood/Yew increase the skill required slightly and add specific modifiers to each type
* Faction-specific bows increase the skill required slightly and add specific modifiers to each type

Crossbow changes:
* Some crossbows had their skill requirement lowered
* Crossbows were broken into two tiers: Those useable on horseback and those not

Missile changes:
* Stack sizes have been standardized as follows:
* All bolt quivers have 34 rounds
* Arrows have descending tiers of 50, 44 and 36 arrows as damage increases
* Throwing weapons have varying tiers, with smaller stacks as weight and damage increase
* There were formerly 2 'Barbed Arrows', one Piercing type and one Cutting type
. They are now both Piercing type.

Bug Fixes:
Numerous bows had 'cutting' damage type assigned instead of 'piercing'. This has been fixed. Affected bows: Hunting Bow, Shortbow, Ashwood Hunting Bow, Nomad Bow, Ashwood Short Bow, Yew Hunting Bow, Strong Bow, Elmwood Nomad Bow, Yew Shortbow, Ash Strong Bow, Yew Strong Bow
Some bows had the wrong modbits set, potentially resulting in the wrong modifiers. This has been fixed. Affected bows: Strongbow, Ash Strong Bow, Yew Strong Bow
Numerous pieces of armor had incorrect modbits set, potentially resulting on the wrong modifiers. This has been fixed.

Troop and Difficulty Changes:
Added Power Draw +2, Short Bows and Bodkin Arrows to Scarred, Ruthless, Mountain and Forest Bandits - beware
Added Horse Archery +2 to Mountain Bandits
Added Stones to Farmers
Added Stones, Nomad Bows and Bodkin Arrows to the Brigand troop, used in quests such as Troublesome Bandits

Item changes:
First wave of the item rebalance has been completed. All Headgear, Gloves, Boots and Armor have been made internally consistent, following a linear tiered structure for cost, defensive value and required skill. Most individual items saw very little change, though a few radical items were brought in to meet the new guidelines. The biggest change is that nearly all armors now have Strength requirements, and an armor's weight is now based on the defense it provides. Expect to need a little bit more strength than before to don the heaviest gears, though you will also find the lower gears to be much more balanced.


Source merge:
* Merged headers_*, ID_*, and process_* source files with 1.143 sources
* No other source files were merged with 1.143 sources, as no significant changes were identified

Bug fixes:
* Sarranian Purebreeds can now be purchased (tested)
* Wine/Ale are no longer food nor consumable, and should work for feasts (needs testing)
* Returning companions no longer spew an Invalid Party ID error in most cases (tested)
* Merchants no longer lose gloves/boots upon restocking (also included in stable patch)
* Merchants should now stock crossbow bolts and arrows (also included in stable patch)
* Kingdom influence radius doubled (also included in stable patch)
* Lords and Ladys can no longer send love letters to their family members

Gameplay changes:
* Mountain and Forest bandits now have a 100% chance of carrying a ranged weapon, generally a low-quality bow/arrows.
From here on out I'm going to standardize on these two naming schemas:

Native Expansion
Native Expansion [BETA]

That way your saves will be preserved if you want to try out the beta, and you won't lose saves between successive betas.
Updated to .603b beta, and provided a universal patch that will take any version from .586 onward up to the current beta.

All future releases will also be available as a universal patch that is much smaller (about 1.2MB in size).
Courtesy of Pellagus, here's an image-enabled guide to downloading and installation if you're having problems.

Okay, so you've downloaded Native Expansion for Warband. No?

Well, it's here, click on the link,173191.0.html for the forum post, or here to go direct to the download page. (It's worth going to the forum post to check for patch releases, more on that in a moment).

Click on the Download now link on the MBRepository page to start your download and save it somewhere safe on your PC. Check the download size on the MBRepository page (currently 102.65MB). Your downloaded file should be the same size when it's finished downloading. If you receive error messages, using Chrome, try Firefox or IE to download.

You're going to need a program that can unpack zipped files: Winrar or 7Zip will both do the job.

Open the downloaded file using 7Zip or Winrar and unpack (or drag the folder) into the Modules folder for Mount & Blade Warband.

Once it has been unpacked, here's what it looks like on my PC (it's in the Steam folder, if you bought a copy from Taleworlds it will be in C:/Program Files/MountBlade Warband/Modules).


When the files are unpacked, fire up Warband and at the splash screen, go to the Current Module drop down and find Native Expansion. You will see the picture of Lady Larktin when you do this: e.g.


You're ready to roll at this stage. If you get any errors when the game is loading, it could mean a file was corrupted during download. If so, you can try unpacking the zipped file again and overwriting the first version. If this doesn't work, download the mod again from the MBRepository and try again. Let us know in the bug reports thread if you're still having problems. We're a friendly bunch (mostly) and will try to help.

Remember to check for patches on the forum. Usually they will mean overwriting files in the Native Expansion directory. Bit of advice, make a backup copy of the folder before you overwrite, just in case you mess it up. Some patches will be saved-game compatible. This means you can carry on playing without any problems. Patches that are not save-game compatible will require you to start a new game. You will find out why this is important if you ever try to carry on with a game after a non-compatible patch. And everyone will laugh at your ineptness. (Remember you can always export a character).
finally, a mod that makes the game better WITHOUT crashing my computer from eating all the RAM.

only issue i have with major conversions is that i have a 1.7 ghz processor  :sad:

looks nice, adds a lot of cool little sub-details, but you left out the popular ram-eating sub-mods, GJ.
" Your downloaded file should be the same size when it's finished downloading. If you receive error messages, using Chrome, try Firefox or IE to download."

And about that specific error, try to fix your i-net connection. Because it's direct download and 1 rar file, if your i-net goes to 0 dowload speed, it's possible that it stops downloading.
I'm downloading the 0.604 beta and it doesn't seem to download off of those links. It gets to about 42 mb and then just stops. I've tried both the links 3 times.

If you could make a torrent of it that would be really great  :grin:
How should we install the siege pack mod and the new beta?
I know we select the mod we want to run at the start of the game so how can I incorporate those two to run them at the same time?
i just noticed i played normal expansion and still playing NE on max settings
and only in NE i have lens flare from the sun/sword or shield
i dont know if you added it
but it looks amazing
I believe he added several small graphical details.

now if only lens flare from the sun affected AI troops, then we could use it as a tactical advantage!
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