My horse shouldn't run away

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I dismounted to take a few pot shots at the enemy just a moment ago. When I decided it was time to move I turned to see that my cowardly horse had turned tail and bolted! I am of the opinion that this shouldn't happen, or at the very least its wander radius should be much smaller.
Nairagorn said:
I dismounted to take a few pot shots at the enemy just a moment ago. When I decided it was time to move I turned to see that my cowardly horse had turned tail and bolted! I am of the opinion that this shouldn't happen, or at the very least its wander radius should be much smaller.

I've found that when I am fully stopped for at least a second and dismount, my horse never runs away.  When I get off my horse while the horse is continuing to move slightly, he will always run.

Can anyone else verify?
Should be less likely - if ever - to happen if the horse has been with the player for quite some time, but is very probable if the horse is new, and especially if he has been shot with an arrow / scared by enemy cavalry charge to bolt.. Brings us back to horse temperament and training ::razz:

On the other hand, it is very probable if the rider has been killed, although again, the horse may try to defend the fallen rider if he has been with the human for long enough  ::\ Hopefully this is gradually introduced, but we would never know at the moment ::sad:

EDIT: If what Johnathan says is true, it provides a temporary solution - although realistically it should not be any different and would depend on the horse / rider relation / temperament / training etc. Physically, what can and cannot be programmed, is a different story ::\
The game should differentiate between horses 'parked' by a rider getting off, and horses spooked by having their rider knocked off in the press.  A combat trained horse (ie, trained for combat, not some ridiculous boxing horse) shouldn't run away unless it's being directly attacked.

How did people wrangle horses?  I mean, it'd be pretty damn profitable to lasso the spooked horses in battles (at least in .75) but they go too fast to be catchable.  Horse-rustling? :grin:
Nairagorn said:
I dismounted to take a few pot shots at the enemy just a moment ago. When I decided it was time to move I turned to see that my cowardly horse had turned tail and bolted! I am of the opinion that this shouldn't happen, or at the very least its wander radius should be much smaller.

As long as this is not the norm, more the exception. i don't have a problem with it. Horses are pretty skitish anyway even a well trained one could get spooked by any number of things.

Regardless of realistic or not is a funny in game moment.
I'll put some suggestions regarding this in the little enhancing horses thread once it gets sorted out - currently it has been merged with an older thread which accidentally screwed things up ::sad:
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