Muffinfs? Did I miss something?

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While briefly funny... its starting to annoy the hell out of me. It's rendered the forums almost unreadable for an entire day, and caused most of the useful topics to get pushed to the second page while leaving "newbish" crap on the first...
It annoys me as well, but because 1st of april is over, and I am worried the edits might be permanent. Ruining all stickies and important posts until fixed, that is a helluva lot to clean up.
Graylord said:
It annoys me as well, but because 1st of april is over, and I am worried the edits might be permanent. Ruining all stickies and important posts until fixed, that is a helluva lot to clean up.

They probably didn't code in an "auto-reset," but they can probably just revert everything back to what it should be by using the same rules that encoded it in the first place; I wouldn't expect the change to be permanent.
If they didn't take any measures to undo it, and just make the filters do the opposite and then remove them, it would still redo all the words that originally were the same as the filters now change into.

Damn, it's a bit hard to explain.

If you turns into ye.
Then when undone every legit ye will also turn into a you.
Sure, that's just an example, but considering the amount of words they are filtering by the minute, a lot will go out of context.

Edit: Fixed the filter messing up the example  :razz:
WookieWarlord said:
I doubt there will have been many 'bundt cakes' or 'hissyfits' before the change  :lol: .
Of course not, when ye pick the most unlikely examples ye can find.

There is a lot of words being filtered that are likely to be used.
It was pretty funny at first. But IMO it was terrible timing.

1. Release new game filled with many new features that aren't made obvious.
2. Make primary source of information on said game and features virtually unusable for the day after it's release.

Seems alright to me.  :roll:
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