siege ambushes

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Just found them , yes I'm slow.

Not sure if they are worth the effort though ? I charged out with my HC and HI, fought a few soldiers, attacked a ram for about 10 seconds then reinforcements appeared, so I ordered everyone back through the gates.. not much was achieved.

Did i miss something ? I was hoping with Sally ports , HI would sneak out and defend the gate.

Kinda feelt the same. Some lads are happy for another mini game i assume. If the AI was better or smarter it might be a good feature to stall the attack. But they need no siege engines to attack so what was the point.
One thing if one could steal or burn the enemys food supply. Because that would break the enemy army or give the attackers a time limit.
Not sure if they are worth the effort though ? I charged out with my HC and HI, fought a few soldiers, attacked a ram for about 10 seconds then reinforcements appeared, so I ordered everyone back through the gates.. not much was achieved.
During my playthrough, I was able to break most of the siege engines and then retreat without many casualties which I guess was worth the effort. Perhaps it was map-specific that you weren't able to achieve much in the time given?
It would be worth it if attackers carried fire-brands, and set the siege equipment on fire. I was thinking to do that but didn't know how ?

The castle i was defending had a dogs-leg path to the front gate, took time to get to the ram etc.
Done this on console, broke the siege towers, ram and a ballista before their reinforcements arrived? It was more effort getting them back into the gate than breaking the siege equipment. They tried to rebuild them after but were caught by our reinforcing army before they were ready again, that's the idea of it i believe.
They tried to rebuild them after but were caught by our reinforcing army before they were ready again, that's the idea of it i believe.
Remember not to buy any lottery tickets. Your luck is wasted for some time now.
Remember not to buy any lottery tickets. Your luck is wasted for some time now.
This happens a lot in siege defences, don't take the medical perk that applies it to the enemy or they will recover even more wounded after each wave before allies get to you, and start your soldiers on the walls. don't just spawn them in.
I think ambushes generally need more enemy units at first. I've always found them too easy to do because I had more cav troops with with me than the enemy's total number of soldiers without reinforcements, and manage to destroy 3 siege engines around the time the reinforcement wave spawns.
During my playthrough, I was able to break most of the siege engines and then retreat without many casualties which I guess was worth the effort.

After completely destroying the enemy's siege engines I had an option to force the enemies to attack us anyways, allowing us to only have to defend against ladders and ignore the impenetrable main gates. This caused the army of 1200+ guys to lose a few hundred troops and before retreating. :roll: I suppose this could be useful if you know friendly armies are on their way.

On a second occurrence for me I instead auto-calced the defense after destroying the siege engines, and it forced the entire thing to play out with no retreat from the besiegers. That time they lost 2500+ troops and I got over a dozen enemy lords as prisoners :party:
After the latest update... I am not so sure the ambush feature is worth bothering with anymore.

I keep smashing their siege engines... for the effect of them continuing the siege for a few more days to rebuild them. 4 or 5 times in a row... I just stopped playing the game at that point :roll: If the attackers do not rush the walls with ladders afterwards... it feels like a waste of time to me.
After the latest update... I am not so sure the ambush feature is worth bothering with anymore.

I keep smashing their siege engines... for the effect of them continuing the siege for a few more days to rebuild them. 4 or 5 times in a row... I just stopped playing the game at that point :roll: If the attackers do not rush the walls with ladders afterwards... it feels like a waste of time to me.
Yeah, balancing sally out ambush is tricky. In the past, it was way too OP to force enemies to attack you, especially if you destroyed all their siege engines. Now, ambushes only stall the enemies until an ally army shows up or one side starves.

The newer version seems like the more realistic approach, but it's not exactly fun. Maybe each destroyed siege engine should also decrease the enemy army's cohesion and/or food supply?
BTW guys, do you happen to have some save file with the siege ambush? I would like to test whether it works at all in RBM but I dont feel like hunting for it myself.
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