MSF Mercenary's

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MSF Mercenary Force
Mercenary State Foundation

About Us
MSF Is a Mercenary Group aimed to become hired by different Regiments that would need or want to have Extra hands of already trained Mercenary that will fight for any Regiment no matter what Faction they may be.​

Code of the Mercenary
1. Be active, if you have to miss a training session or line battle Inform an Active Officer.
2. Arrive 10-15 minutes early to a Training or Event.
3. Be respectful to all ranks, other regiments and public players.
4. Follow orders in line battles and trainings to the fullest
5. Behave in a mature manner
6. Remember to listen to the Contracts that you are assigned to
7.If they have PTS in effect Obay the PTS. (Permission to speak)
8. Have fun!​

Friday is the day off for the MSF so we won't be taking contracts on it, it the weekend opening and should be fun and a time for MSF to relax. If you wish to make a contract for Saturday please do so on friday in advance.​

For Regiments that wants to Create a Contract
For Regiments that Would Like to Create a Contract with the MSF
Contact an active officer in the 22nd TS, or Send a PM to one on the Forums.Recommended to Meet an Active Officer on TS to Get a Contract Done quickly, other way is to tel me on Steam Revos_of_Sparta
Once you have Made a Contract you can either Choose how many Mercenary you'd Like to Hire or leave it to the MSF to send the amount you would like sent to you.​

Post your Applications on this Thread​
Real Name:
Preferred in-game name:
Steam-login name:
Age (There is no age restriction):
Time-zone (GMT -/+):
Previous in game experience:
Do you have a Teamspeak?:
Available to attend the Regiment's meeting Every 2 weeks on Saturday at 7:00pm GMT:

Ranks Of The Regiment
Colonel = CNL
Lieutenant Colonel = LCNL
Major = MJR
Captain = CPT
Lieutenant = LT
Ensign = ESN
Soldiers/Non-Commissioned Officers
Regiment Serjeant Major = RSJM
Colour Serjeant = CSJ
Serjeant = SJ
Corporal = CL
Lance Corporal = LAC
Private Frist Class =PFC
Private = Pvt

MSF is From the MM but might move to This Mod very soon.​
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