Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 4 - Flexible Entries

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<p>Happy New Year to those operating on the Gregorian Calender and a round, warm hello to all. “Blog!”, they cried and it was written. 2013 has been a year of growth for us at TaleWorlds and with each passing month, work intensifies on Bannerlord. The new year has already started with the achievement of 100,000 likes on our official Facebook page. It feels like a great milestone and we'd like to thank everyone for all the support. Now let us tell you a little bit more about making Bannerlord.</p></br> Read more at:
Meevar the Mighty said:
Oliver Qvist said:
I read somewhere that the people who were seigeing a castle would dig under the walls to collapse or weaken them. Also ofcourse digging under to get inside the castle. It's a great idea. I think that there is alot that TaleWorlds could do with Seiges in Bannerlord, but that they don't have the time or ability to do it. I would not expect too much.

Yes, they're clearly in a roaring hurry. :smile:

Seiges is only one part of their game, they have alot of other stuff to work on. Aswell as they will have to create 2 types of seige modes, both for singleplayer and multiplayer.
Unless you want to wait another year or two, you can forget about all this super advanced seige stuff.
Antar said:
When I said destroyed I didn't mean leveled to rubble literally. I mean if the castle has it's walls or anything else damaged badly that would be very counter productive to you since you are the one who is going to take the castle. You wouldn't want to go overboard with siege engines as that would make it very hard for you to defend the place from counter attacks and it would cost a lot to repair. It would be much better taking the castle by ladders, towers, and gates albeit more difficult. Siege engines have trade offs which I hope will be be implemented or else they will be OP.
Battering rams also damage castle gates. And gates need to be repaired after assault.
Catapults during assaults were hardly able to destroy large potion of walls they mostly were used to damage different additional constructions on walls, which could be relatively easy repaired.
Castle walls could be serve damaged by catapults but during long-long sieges.  And if attacker had time to such long time action it probably had time to reconstruct castle after it. 

Everyone has talked alot about sieges and yes they need to be more dynamic and fleshed out. More attack points, multiple ladders and towers depending on army sizes, engineering skill etc. Better behavior from AI. but MOST IMPORTANT allow us to fight through the entire city. One of the things that always frustrated me in M&B is having these gorgeous castles and tows and not being able to do anything else besides walk in them. Let us fight in every street and corner of these beautiful locations you have created. Make the defenders hold strategic choke points in the city/castle after the walls have been lost. Make it awesome!

Final word goes for open field combat. From the original to Warband you managed to ruin army fights my making it a bit messy cluster f*** (pardon my language). Every infantry model converges on the map as if they all need to stand on the exact same spot!!! it makes battles a mess. You get surrounded by troops so fast and so close that you can't even swing a weapon yet the AI keeps hitting you. In the original i loved commanding my troops from the front and in warband i simply cant do what i love the most because you just get piled up to the point you cant move. Please bring back the system from original M&B where each individual model seemed to observe a minimum space between him and the other models, enough for weapons to be able to swing and formations be kept.

These are my thoughts on combat since that was the focus of this blog :lol:
Red_Lancer said:
Antar said:
Rongar said:
Antar said:
This. Instead of shoving in catapults, trebuchets, and other siege engines like that, I think Battering rams are more important. Battering rams, ladders, and siege towers/ramps are siege engines that allow you to take a castle without destroying it.
How many castles were destroyed by catapults IRL?

When I said destroyed I didn't mean leveled to rubble literally. I mean if the castle has it's walls or anything else damaged badly that would be very counter productive to you since you are the one who is going to take the castle. You wouldn't want to go overboard with siege engines as that would make it very hard for you to defend the place from counter attacks and it would cost a lot to repair. It would be much better taking the castle by ladders, towers, and gates albeit more difficult. Siege engines have trade offs which I hope will be be implemented or else they will be OP.

Ok so lets not update the system Ok... Lets keep it all the way it is and just add some new skins and factions so we can all play it your way, so we don't have to spend any money in the game so everything comes easy and free and fun and that's the way it should be just like the other game BORING and repetitive, NO Risks just run around trading from city to city fighting bandits and over running empires with armies full of knights and Mamalukes. Lets not add any sort of depth to the game lets not make battles costly lets make it as arcade'ish as possible. You who don't understand history who don't care about realism or any improvements at all, Your the same people who never understood how to use catapults in RTW and *****ed about it in online games because you thought it gave an Unfair advantage to you. because the only strategy you people ever had was  just running across the map and bum rushing and  attacking someone Right?  :mrgreen: We all remember your type alright. Lets just have an easy game where we don't have to use our brains all we need to do is click and wait it out.

...What...I don't even. First of all, if you're going to write a paragraph like that, make sure you at least attempt or try your best at proper punctuation and grammar. Second of all, what you said has nothing to do with what I wrote. I have no idea what you're talking about, are you sure you replied to the right comment?
They don't/won't necessarily "level castles to rubble". Some really good mods already have them, yet players don't complain about them being OP or something. It's all about the implementation.
I will hold off on most of my judgements/critique on this set of information.

I want to see in-engine gameplay featuring high resolution before I start really digging my teeth into the aesthetics of the game. I don't feel pictures will do it any justice (or injustice depending) until we see it all working in unison. AI do seem to be a bit more interactive, but I will hold off on my opinions until the gameplay video has come out. (IN HIGH RES OF COURSE!)

All of that said, I am glad they are taking steps toward involving everyone and letting people see how the game progresses. While I'm sure it can create some heartache now it will save them many headaches tomorrow :razz:
Well I hope it isn't just multiple choke points instead of just the one.

Some improvement but not the kind I'm looking for.

Battering rams to break the gates. Artillery to break walls, AI to correctly have attackers surround the castle and attempt to breach multiple points and the defender AI to similarly branch out and properly 'man' the walls, not just bunch up at the end of a ladder.

If it looks the same as Warband, fine. But the engine better be doing a whole lot more in terms of environment and physicality.
Goddamn I'm looking forward to this game. I would gladly pay for early access. Its nice to see Taleworlds involving and informing fans of the process. I think they realise that the fans and modders have heavily informed the progress of the game.

When it comes to games, I'm generally a graphics buff and can't stand playing games with average graphics. Warband was one of the few games that it didn't bother me too much (using ENB helped) because the concept was so good (was always a fan of Pirates which is the closest thing I can think of in terms of gameplay). But it would be nice to see in high def.

More roleplaying aspects, quests that aren't boring and tedious, improved AI, settlements/towns that encourage exploration and interest - a few things I'd love to see. Oh yeah, and just MOAR of everything would be cool :smile:
I'm dieing for some new information about the game . Please let us know something... OR if you don't feel like it ... just give us the game and we will discover it on our own ... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Jason L. said:
I'm dieing for some new information about the game . Please let us know something... OR if you don't feel like it ... just give us the game and we will discover it on our own ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

That website competition is over, and now they aren't adding new articles, strange heh.
Don't get me wrong I'm  a hugeeeeee warband fan, but there is a few things that upset me about how things worked late game and early. First off making my own kingdom was extraordinarily hard to do simply because my lords didn't garrison their castles effectively and even more so didn't help protect them. I've seen one of my lords run away from a battle when he had 100 highly trained soldiers and the enemy had 103 recruits and footmen. I do hope they have been working on the make your own kingdom aspect because its just fantastic. Last but not least a little change in the quests depending on the faction couldn't hurt either it would bump up my play time from 100 hours to 500.
I wasn't sure where to post this so just posting it here.

I hope you take some things from Fire & sword like the 'Captain Co-op' (so much much fun with mates). Expand on Co-op options and maybe even a multi-player  campaign, I have some ideas on how to do this but you guys are the pros.

Things like decapitation/loss of limbs, bleeding and bandages could be a cool option to turn off and on.

THank you for listening.
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