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I have the following code:
IT_attrib_1 = str_6|agi_8|int_5|cha_5|level(1)
IT_skills_1 = knows_power_draw_2
It is in module_troops. Now i need to add the Weapon Profiency. Where and how do i have to add it? All Profiencys shall be the same, so the profiency for every weapon type is for example 50. I looked at the original codes but cant really figure it out.
No, attributes and level go within 1 comma, then proficiencies, then skills (each separated by a comma).
You can make a common declaration for them though so:
wp_prof_common = wp_one_handed(199)|wp_two_handed(87)|wp_polearm(80)|wp_archery(80)|wp_crossbow(40)|wp_throwing(89)

and then in the troop, you could just have:
IT_attrib_1, wp_prof_common, IT_skills_1
in their appropriate place, after the items/equipment, and before the face code.
I have a problem , don't know if it's asked before, if it is, sorry.

Anyway, I made a mistake when installing Python.26. I replaced the original "Path" with my Python one, not adding the Python one to the end and now Python ain't working. Can anyone tell me how to reset the original "Path" in System Variables?
King of Scotland said:
Can anyone tell me how to reset the original "Path" in System Variables?
Copy it from another user, I think is user independent. It depends from the configuration of your system and other stuff. So there's very little of universal in that.

Here you have a really basic one:

A good practice is to change
with a text editor. So it directly uses the entire path to the python executable/program.

You know... replace the "
" strings with "
" or "
" as you want.
So you don't need to alter your delicate system properties.  :smile:
Okay, I did the both things you suggested (the below one first) and it still failed, though, I got a load of other files in my "Module_system 1.134" folder.

Now, here's the picture of my build_module.bat file. And well... as you can see... it's quite ****** up.

Any help would be appreciated.


Edit - If I type help, it gives me a "invalid_syntax" thingy.
Swyter said:
A good practice is to change
with a text editor. So it directly uses the entire path to the python executable/program.

You know... replace the "
" strings with "
" or "
" as you want.
So you don't need to alter your delicate system properties.  :smile:
A slightly easier way to do this is to add this as the first line of build_module.bat
set path=%PATH%;C:\python26\
It works the same way, since it sets the path only while that bat file is executing. It reverts back to normal when it's done.
I did the Madoc's way and it did remove all the other files, but I still have the syntax error and I just can't find where the missing comma is. Also, my build_module still says something about some "tuple", but I just can't find it...

Here, this is the particular line:
("kingland",sf_generate,"none", "none", (0,0),(100,100),-100,"0x0000000130000500000344ce000061f700004aa0000027e7",
    [],[],"outer_terrain_beach")("multiplayer_maps_end",sf_generate,"none", "none", (0,0),(100,100),-100,"0x00000001300389800003a4ea000058340000637a0000399b",
    [],[],"outer_terrain_plain"), <- this one.
("kingland",sf_generate,"none", "none", (0,0),(100,100),-100,"0x0000000130000500000344ce000061f700004aa0000027e7",
    [],[],"outer_terrain_beach") ,("multiplayer_maps_end",sf_generate,"none", "none", (0,0),(100,100),-100,"0x00000001300389800003a4ea000058340000637a0000399b",

King of Scotland said:
Fixed it... but now I got lots of syntax errors and the copies of the files in Module System are back.
Whenever you compile, each of the *.py files is compiled into a *.pyc file. If the .bat file is able to complete, the *.pyc files are deleted. If not, then the *.pyc files remain. No harm, just ignore them. They will disappear the next time you successfully compile.

As for syntax errors, see
Likely you have forgotten other commas, brackets or parentheses.
It works! It works god dammit, it works! My feelings right now

Anyway, I have another thing, it's not much of a problem but still. Whenever I run the build_module.bat, it creates all the files in my Warband "Modules" folder instead of my "*specific mod" folder. I don't know if it's supposed to do that, but if it isn't, is there anyway to fix it?
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