Mod: Attackable peasants

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So, im a total looser with this programing thingymajik, I download the file and just paste it into the M&B folder? Or do I have to do anything else?

Sounds really cool and i´d like to try it out tonite!
Interesting idea but there should be consequences like becoming and outlaw that is forcefully prevented from entering towns.
Arthur said:
Interesting idea but there should be consequences like becoming and outlaw that is forcefully prevented from entiring towns.

The friend that gave me the screenshot says it lowers your faction standing -15 with Swadians, Vaegirs, Peasants and at least one other faction, though I don't know for sure.
As far as I can tell, it's impossible to bar someone from entering a town. Can anyone confirm?

I'm watching this thread with much interest, please continue.
Blade said:
I download the file and just paste it into the M&B folder?

Into the M&BModsNative folder ought to do you. Make a backup of that folder first though.

As far as Armagan is concerned, I'm using these two posts as my guide.

He likes mods.

No dev kit will be coming out for a while, and mod at your own risk.

Armagan, if I've misunderstood, I'll stand down. If I haven't, the one piece of data I'd lke from you is to know if there's a way to point M&B at a different mod directory. This would help people not clobber their data.
09:38 < Apex464> Dude, another problem
09:38 < Apex464> When you lose standing with the factions, since you
aren't allied with either, they don't attack you
09:38 < Apex464> They appear enemy, but chase you down to ask the same
stuff as normal, who are you, what are you doing etc.
09:38 < Apex464> and let you go
09:38 < Apex464> Then chase you more
09:38 < Apex464> Stop you, and repeat

Perhaps we should set a variable if you attack the peasants so that you'll have a dialog option to attack both Swadians and Vaegirs.
10203 id 0 10251 id 0 attaches an NPC with that id to your party as a member.

10204 id 0 10251 id 0 attaches an NPC with that id to your party as a prisoner.

I haven't figured out exactly what 10251 does yet, 10203/10204 is the diference.

98 is Marnid, 117 is Borcha. If you feel like making him a little more "hands on", the constable's id is 93. Not quite sure where to get those at yet, but they can be figured out from the dialog file.

10312 0 0: take me to the swap inventory screen
10314 0 0: take me to the party screen
10315 0 0: take me to the party/hire screen (a la taverns)
n00854180t said:
Perhaps we should set a variable if you attack the peasants so that you'll have a dialog option to attack both Swadians and Vaegirs.


Either that or figure out how to check your reputation and let that direct the dialog.

I see how Armagan's setting variables, but I'm not sure if the id is hardcoded or not.
The modability thing is not really ready yet. So you can't yet have your mod in another directory.

I am really impressed if someone managed to make farmers attackable, and added penalties to faction ratings for that. Makes me wonder what module makers will achieve with proper tools and documentation :smile:
As far as I know, the faction standing was a side effect :razz: Will be working on making it so you are attacked by the "good guys" later on. Currently, you're apparently just chased by them, then they say "Good day" or whatever, then continue to chase you.
Armagan, is there any way to make it so you can zoom all the way out on the world map? I'd like to whip up a small utility that allows you to place spawn points and the like and outputs the coordinates for pasting into text files.
n00854180t said:
As far as I know, the faction standing was a side effect :razz:

I worked hard to figure out how to get faction standing versus the kingdoms and peasant types to go negative. Kudos where kudos are due. :wink:

The bonus with bandits was accidental though.
Vinz Klortho said:
98 is Marnid, 117 is Borcha. If you feel like making him a little more "hands on", the constable's id is 93. Not quite sure where to get those at yet, but they can be figured out from the dialog file.

It turns out, I think, that the ids correspond to (line-2)/6 in troops.txt.

This opens up the possibility of hiring other stock heros, or even creating our own (possibly). Still no idea how to place them in a room, but you can access them via dialog, now that you know where to snag their ids.

Armagan, thanks for building flexibility into the system, I'm having a blast both figuring it out and seeing the possiblities.
Vinz, I've edited the conversation.txt to allow the Swadians and Vaegirs to attack you if you've attacked a peasant band, I'm having my friend test it now.
n00854180t said:
Vinz, I've edited the conversation.txt to allow the Swadians and Vaegirs to attack you if you've attacked a peasant band, I'm having my friend test it now.

Excellent! Unfortunately, real life is beckoning for a while, but keep fighting the good fight.
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