SP - General Massive Game Features Request

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I know it's not usually in good taste to point to another game and go "Hey, you should do that too.", but... I feel like it is warranted with how bare bones many of the systems are in Bannerlord.

The Sandbox set up is so perfect, don't get me wrong, like just the sheer amount of potential that is here for something greater is just astounding, but.. like I said, a lot of systems are bare bones.

Now, I thought of a game that was fairly similar in scope of what I'd like out of a Campaign in Bannerlord, and that would be the game series Crusader Kings. Specifically CK 2 & 3. A short synopsis is you basically are playing a singular character and influencing the world around you in medieval times. I feel like a lot of the ideas and features could be brought to light in Bannerlord and really elevate the game.

For example, challenging leaders to 1v1 duels, heck even go full viking and have some holmgang duels, that would be fitting for Sturgia I'd think lol. Maybe you could do some subtle intrigue and begin turning some of the clans of a Kingdom against the rulers of the Kingdom. For Example, Olek seems like the kind of person you could talk into rebelling against Ragavand in Sturgia. Have new Kingdoms and clans emerge as you delve deep into political intrigue and diplomacy. A lot of people suggested Religion be a thing added to Bannerlord, creating your own culture/religion (Which honestly I do love the idea of creating a culture where you can select a few units and their upgraded forms to represent your culture's unit tree, but it might be too much sadly x.x) Have companions be more.. meaningful. Interactions and relationship growth. Bring back the campsite from Warband so you can hang out in camp with your people and talk with them.

I mean my suggestion can boil down into simply looking at a game like Crusader Kings 2 and 3 and ripping out/copying some systems over. Hell even looking into another grand strategy game like Stellaris might offer some ideas.

Hell there are plenty of mods that offer quite a bit of suggestion for ideas, like Distinguished service, upgraded a member of the rank and file into a permanent companion seems pretty awesome.

Let us assign our agents (Companions) on various tasks, maybe we can send them to improve relations with a settlement. Or maybe we can tell them to clear out bandits near a certain fief. Maybe we can tell them to spy on a fief or lord for us and basically get reports here and there. Heck lets send them to assassinate someone. Or maybe we just want our high smithing level companion to just work the forges and produce some really gnarly weapons in a settlement.

We really have a neat sandbox set up for us to play with, we just don't have all the tools to shape the world how we want it to be shaped. Sorry if this doesn't come across as coherent, I'm writing this while pretty sleep deprived and sick, but.. inspiration and all that. Still, i hope it makes a modicum of sense and I hope the devs take a gander and see what all they can make and expand upon. Hell, drop some of your ideas down below.
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