Make a Guide on how to use vehicles/machines

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Machine Gun: To use it, you have to be an engineer (last unit from list). Then, stand close to the MG and press E. Shoot using Q, to aim, use WASD. To leave MG, press E again.

Flak turret:
Exactly the same as the MG.

Tank: Look at the tank's edge, find a ,,hp bar''. Hold F to get in. First person that gets into the tank is a driver, the second is shooter. Do not use tanks alone! To drive, WASD. To shoot, E (Machine Gun) and Q (cannon). To switch your position (driver - shooter), P. To leave the tank, B.

Truck: Look at the door, hold F as the hp bar arrive. You won't be able to enter the truck unless no one is standing on it's back! To drive, WASD, to leave B.
Darky5 said:
The MG person (wehrmacht) has 2 tool like things, what are they for, and how do you use them?
They're for creating bunkers (sand bags and barbed wire). To use them, press H.

reyman said:
when you use tanks, your player becomes a bot so if your char dies, you die. :smile:
That's a bug that occurs only on a few maps. It doesn't happen on Railway, for example.
reyman said:
when you use tanks, your player becomes a bot so if your char dies, you die. :smile:

That's not true. On few maps, tanks are not connected with secret chamber underground, where players are teleported when getting into the tank. So, they are driving the tank, but they are still outside :smile: Notice that when you move left, this ,,bot'' moves left, you use MG, and he kicks, you press, C, and he will crouch. But it is true, when the char outside the tank is killed, you die. Because it is you....
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