Resolved Loss of honor reputation when completing extortion of deserters quest

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I saved before turning in, to see what options would keep my honor reputation at +1 and it seems none of the options will retain it, all will lower it.

The three options we have are to:

1. take the cash reward

2. take half the cash reward

3. or tell the villagers to keep it they need it more than you

I originally chose 3 thinking it would be the honorable thing to do, but it still removed my honor rep entirely.

Reloaded a few times and tried out the other two choices, same result.

Settlement name: Hertogea

Notable NPC: Acthon of Hertogea

Thanks for all your hard work TaleWorlds!
Hello, thanks for reporting this issue. Unfortunately, we were unable to respond to this topic when it was first created. If you are still experiencing this issue with the latest live or beta versions of the game, please leave a reply to this thread so we can forward to the team for investigation.
Hey! I'm going to mark this thread as resolved. If the problem persists, please let me know. Cheers!
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