Loot screen sorting / "Best loot" button

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I think it would be a good idea if, on the loot screen, the loot would be sorted in order of sell price. This would make it much easier to pick out the best loot, since you could just ctrl-click on the loot from the top down instead of looking at the price of each item. Even better, have a "take best loot" button.
that would be great! sorting through a huge amount of items to find the 10 / 20 worh keeping gets tiring
Hooray! Indeed a good idea. it's horrible to search for the expensive stuff and then find the cheap you have and change them when your invetory is full. Not necessary to be honest but still it would a nice thing to have.
Perhaps, rather than going through a lot of coding effort, a lesser code effort could provide a different colored background for loot in the list - this could either be by value [items over 100, 200, 300, would get red, pink, white] - OR, items with qualifications - Reinforced, cracked, etc. - could split the spectrum with red-pink-white for better, green, blue, black, for normal or worse. This would probably speed up selection as much as a sort, keeping in mind that denar value is not always the prime criteria for selection, and many of us will look over the list regardless of sort. For instance, if I take a lot of prisoners, sometimes I will prefer to add a horse or two, if available, of any type, to not lose my land speed hauling them to the slaver, where I will also sell the same horses.
Good idea Sturmspawn!  :grin:

I would personally love to have items colour coded; here is a simple example:

Blue= Reinforced/Watered Steel
Green= Thick/Balanced
White= Normal
Yellow= Crude/Chipped
Orange= Battered/Rusty
Red= Cracked

And so on.

Then there could be a monetary colour system i.e. more valuable items could have a deeper gold background and less valuable items could have lighter backgrounds i.e. from white to pale yellow to regular yellow (yellow being reminescent of money and gold.)

IF implimented it wud be sweetness, but it isn't a major issue in my opinion.
Band of Warriors Mod (used to be Extra NPC's mod) already has it.  It also lets you access your heroes' inventories DURING the loot process, so you never have to leave anything behind.

What is the idea behind the 'weaponsmith' rank? Is it a specialisation of some kind?

Now to the topic at hand. I would like to see an idea like this come into the game at some point, but first things like better A.I. need to be added...
Well, most of them.  The "Regular" mace isn't mine, I think it's Janus'.  Also, someone else added all the highlights to the blades.

The_Invincible_Knight said:
Now to the topic at hand. I would like to see an idea like this come into the game at some point, but first things like better A.I. need to be added...
Well, if it's already being implemented in mods, it obviously wouldn't be that hard to get it into the main game.  Merchants already sort equipment according to the order it appears in items.txt as well as modifiers every time their inventory updates.
I wonder when this will be incorporated into the game... weeks, months or years? *dramatic drum roll* The answer is: I have no idea!

When does the mighty Eogan think that this will be incorporated?
a) Weeks
b) Months
c) Years

Please answer now, Eogan (just your educated guess.)
Wha.. bu...

When Armagan decides he wants to implement it, then selects a point in the production schedule to implement it.  Then, at that time he'll implement it and we'll probably see it in-game in the following release.  ie.  how the hell should I know.

What am I, the Dad around here?

Now, IK, make sure you've got your room cleaned before dinner.
I never clean my room! *evil and disturbing laugh* :twisted: Well alright... maybe once in a while I will...

Having this feature would certainly help us sort the trash from the treasure... and allow us to do so in only moments! :smile: That would be very useful.

I only keep rare items as trophies i.e. Khergit Guard armour and the Strange equipment i.e. the samurai items.
Only problem I see with this, is that it would begin to turn the game into less and less of an actual 'feel in a virtual world' and make it more like a 'grind for more $ and better loot' - It sort of dumbifies the game. It's like a minor form of "lets have a button which will auto-pilot us to the next town around all the enemies" and eventually "what about a button which will automatically start swinging the sword for me, and only stop when i press it again.

Don't misunderstand - it would be a very helpful feature - but it would simply give the game a more 'mechanical' feel - in my opinion at least..

Let's have less 'automatic' and 'pre-defined "best" options', and more 'manual' and 'creatively variable' options based on a set of certain world physics instead ::razz:
Well I guess if automatic options are going to make the game feel less immersive, more mechanical and more boring then they probably should be optional (that way you could choose whether or not you want to use them.) Personally I think it would save us wasting time searching through loot, but that's just me...
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