Looking for experienced coder.

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You should have posted this into your mod thread not to spam  :neutral: Nobody will help you, get tutorials  :razz:
Actually, it's not spam to post It here Id say. Not all good coders may not check his thread but very likely to check here. Besides, learning the ms is not as to all as It may be for someone else.
Yeah. I posted here because I'm already teaching myself modeling and animation and if I were to try to take on coding as well I would either have to flunk school or loose what remains of my life lol. Also, I dont see how this is spam really...
Is it spam if a coder posts that they are willing to help someone?
This is the same thing really.
Most genius coders are already having their own projects going on. There's always a big danger in announcing great features before you have the means to make them. Also, I see you already have two people noted as coders in your team, can't they do anything?

Anyways, best of luck with finding someone.
Cruger said:
Most genius coders are already having their own projects going on. There's always a big danger in announcing great features before you have the means to make them. Also, I see you already have two people noted as coders in your team, can't they do anything?

Anyways, best of luck with finding someone.

They are coders indeed, but one of them can do simple things only and the other is quite busy with the population mode.
I'm learning it myself, but its good to have a tutor figure. Also, the danger in announcing features before I have the means to make them thing, I do realize sometimes people over-think stuff and start adding features left and right, but most features I've talked about are within our reach I think. But thanks for the warning anyway.
Tempered said:
It would be helpful to know what type of code you are looking for.  Some may already have been written.

I have many ideas, some stuff was indeed written already and I have bookmarked several pages, didn't implement or ask for permissions yet.

However, there are other features I have in mind, and the reason I don't post anything here is because I don't even know if some of them would be possible or not. This is why I need an experienced coder to help me figure out which features are plausible and maybe teach me a little bit about scripting (weakest area I have)
Don't be afraid to either post troublesome code snippets yourself or have your coders do it.  As the purpose of this board is "development", you'll find that someone will usually offer help, provided that they have the knowledge, the time and the interest to do so.  Best I can tell, you'll need to bring something to the table besides theories, in order to peak a skilled coder's interests enough to earn a reply.  There are exceptions where theories are concerned, but you shouldn't count too much on that until you've shown that you are at least trying to assemble working code. 

Until then, read the module system documentation sticky.  Next, take time to read header_operations.py as well as every other header file.  Make yourself do this!  Then scan the different modules for examples and see if you can understand what is being done.  You could also look at the code others post on this board.  After which you should have gained a wider range of plausibility knowledge and be able to put together a barebones set of instructions for that one small thing that you want to do.  Then add to that the next small thing until you have a big thing, rightly called a "feature".

Best wishes and above all, have phun.  :smile:
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