Looking for a mod with consistent and believable world

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Hello guys !

I've been playing M&B for a while now. I got into modded games with PoP, awoiaf, Perisno, etc... And I really played them a lot.

I really liked them gameplay wise, and I realise all te time and effort put into them, but the lore of these mods is really hard to get into. I mean for instance, Perisno, you have early romans fighting end of medieval era knights, fighting vikings... The difference in technology between these people should create big disadvantages. That completely breaks any kind of immersion to me. The sodlier's uniform are too disparate in styles. Two maccavian fighters might look way different, using too different colors too. And.. aztec dudes fighting with wooden armor ?
Is there any mods with a more classic/consistent lore ? One that doesn't try to mix every culture of every era into one single mod ?
Also, all 3 of them put WAY TO MUCH power into cavalry, and basically forces you to only bring cavalry in battle (and play on a horse yourself).
I did not like Floris for the same reason (medieval knight with rennaissance scots, wtf ?)

I really liked Viking Conquest, for instance, and played some of Blood Eagle with delight (loved the no cavalry stuff). I really liked awoiaf lore too, but that's because both of them are consistent and believable in a timely manner, although awoiaf's particular game world tends to become a bit boring at times (and.. cavalry only).

Thanks in advance :smile:
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