List some of your absolute "Wat?" moments in the game so far.

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I gathered an army to defend against a siege, as soon as two of the summoned parties arrived I got into a conversation scene. The camera was pointed at the sky and the dialogue box was MY character giving a generic first meeting message. It said click to continue, but clicking didn't actually do anything, so I had to alt+f4 out of the game. When I loaded the autosave, I was apparently attacking my own army. Literally, battle against [player]'s army, which consisted of the two other lords. After I handily beat them, THEY took ME prisoner for a brief second before letting me go.

Weirdest bug I've encountered so far, and I don't expect I'll see weirder.
Helped a faction Lord claim a castle and then when i tried to enter after the siege was not allowed to enter and told "I would be shot from the walls if i tried again"
i got two:
1.) When i started first game i tought combat was easy as it was in Warband so i picked fight with 5 Looters and got owned hard.
2.) was today i defeated 25 man Aserai party it was not that hard sadly when i left battle i was jumped by 3 Aserai partys together they were 75 man army i got 50 man army. Basicaly my army was loosing and i was knocked out so i tried too retreat sadly i could not so i decided too auto resolve battle it was my 5men army vs 20men enemy army and autoresolve gave me the victory.
List some of the moments that actually stopped you for a moment and made you scratch your head.

Some of mine are :

My character glitching out while chasing a looter and the looter ran off into the ocean and because my character was on auto follow they decided to take a swim too. Had no effect on either of them which was a real shame, honestly.

I had an absolute "Alpha Male" Vlandi peasant somehow make it to the final round of a tournament where the options for weaponry were two handed weapons and bows. This dude absolutely train wrecked an entire team, by himself with me right there with him. I just... kinda sat there and stared. Was really breath taking to be honest.
There was once, i executed all lords of Aseir and it is not at war with other kingdoms so i completely took over Aseir including armies in the garrison. That was a huge surprise lol.
Idling in a city with one of my companions in an army to farm reputation with the locals, only for the camera to zoom half way across the map when i decided to leave the city... turns out I was somehow both at the city and auto-running towards an army summons at the same time.

This happened to me 3 times
Have a few I can't remember but these two are wauw.

1) So I have a party of 120 with only 12 horsemen. Do this 'protect caravan' quest. For one or other reason it goes to 7!!!! cities instead of the usual 2. Then the big fight surprises me: the thieves is a party of 160 large!!!! What defuq. So I think wel lets try. The caravan is 50 large so ok. I am not right next to the fight, i need to walk for 10 seconds. During those seconds 30 caravaneers get killed before i can join the fight. But then in the fight the biggest shock of all: ALL of the enemy, yes ALL 160 OF THEM are on horseback! WHAT THE ****. To make matters worse: the caravaneers are ow level, look like farmers, troops. Yup we got decimated. Complete failure.

2) I join an army of 1000 strong making it about 1100 strong. We lay siege to a city with 150 defenders. We build the siege camp. Army cohesion wasn't a 100% to begin with but that shouldn't matter, it drops a little. We build a storm ram. Cohesion drops. We build an assault tower. Cohesion drops. We build the second one. Cohesion drops. We build a catapult. Cohesion drops. It gets shot up, but we build another. Cohesion drops. Nearing 0. Why the **** don't we attack? Catapult get destroyed again. We build a third. Cohesion drops again!!!! We don't attack. Third catapult gets destroyed. Still no attack. I can't force the attack, I don't lead the army. Fourth catapult gets build, army cohesion drops to zero and we all scatter. WHAT THE ****. STUPID ****IN GENERAL.

Also, why don't generals disband their army when cohesion is too low to assault another city or castle? Implement it please. Also let us assault sieging armies on maps with castles. Would be cool. Would also be cool the defenders would be able to literally ride out of the gate.
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