Let us break multiple lords out of prison

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Sergeant Knight
I like the prison break mechanic in general (although we should be able to fight back if we're discovered when trying to sneak in, or at least give the player the ability to always sneak in if we own an alley in that town), but I really think that we should be able to break multiple lords out at the same time.

Of course, to balance it, we should "only" be able to break out a maximum of 5 lords at a time, the roguery and charm experience should be capped at the amount we gain them currently regardless of how many lords we break out, we should need to bribe the guards for each of the lords we want to break out, and there should be a scaling number of guards (but not the current amount of guards x number of lords we're breaking out, as that would be too chaotic, too unfair, and would most likely result in one or more lords dying/getting knocked out no matter how good we are). This way, we would be able to actually turn the tide of a war (in the mid game) by breaking a large amount of lords at the same time using our cunning. With the ability to only break 1 lord out, it's pretty meaningless and is honestly too gamey.
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