Legend of the Partizani Peasant Charge.

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Today, on the Official EU server on battle mode, we were fooling around and we all decided to choose Partizani on Russia. Now it was planned within the team, the other team which are the French did not suspect this. There was around 140 players split even on each team, around 60 of us are in the partizani regiment some are mix. Then we charged into the enemy ranks with nothing but Scythes, Spears (I think), woodcutters axes, and clubs. As we charged with our unorganized ranks we threw vodka bottles and gave it our best shot. Truthfully, the French army to Russian army kdr was 3-1 for the French soldiers, so the Russians seem to be losing. This was a close knit spot in a city square, There was 5 Partizanis left (The rest of our army) and 17 French soldiers, through some godly luck there stands someone named Cooper, he charge into them headfirst and cut them down with his incredibly short axe, I wish I got a video but he was dodging their attacks and smack them behind with his axe, he was punching down a fluter with his fist when 2 french soldiers snuck up on him, he dodged and they stabbed their own fluter :twisted:, he then cut them both down and focus on one soldier.... an afker, he snuck up on "her" and punch her to her very death :twisted:. And it was he that was the last one standing upon the mass graves of a hundred.

BTW, I know someone is going to say "Cool Story Bro", my response... yes it is...
We did a partisan-and-militia charge at the end of an NEC linebattle once. The entire team ran head-first and non-stop though a valley from our spawn to theirs, while they lined up on the high ground and fired volleys at us.

It was a horrible failure.  :mrgreen:
Yeah, it was great organising us into a disorderly mob tonight. Nothing better than Saturday Night Partizani charges. Even FSE_Olafson was getting into it.  :wink:
French battle column beats any Partizani charge! Just deploy into 3-4 files, and march straight into the enemy line. Have drums and officers in the front, and every time the drums stop, everyone will cheer.
Partizani charges are surprisingly effective in Siege, mostly because they prevent all the cowards from standing behind to reload instead of getting into the melee.
Partisans & militia in numbers can dominate against regular Infantry when it comes to melee - sure some random weapons suck but the ultra-long pike for example is a great support weapon
This story just seriously made my day. I'm gonna be honest, all NW has brought me is anger, and I decided to quit. After reading your topic however, I may reconsider.
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