[LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

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skullmasher said:
Barristan Goldenhide said:
Hi Guys!
I'm on my first playthrough and I have a question about recruiting lords after founding pendor:
I've read a in guide somewhere here that you should have 17+ relation with the lord (?before or after you capture him?), capture him and then talk to him when he is a prisoner.
This worked with the first lord I captured and he joined me with his two fiefs.
BUT when I captured my second lord with 25 relation (after capturing) he doesn't offer to join me.
Does someone know why this happens? Any ideas how to fix this? Maybe a better persuasion skill? (not sure if it matters because the option to recruit him is missing in the dialoge box).
If it matters my renown is a bit over 1000 and RtR is 48. Do these stats influence the lord recruitment as well?

Happened to me, too.
AFAIK the option is connected to relationship only. Get higher relationship and he should join. Some higher value lords (of Duke-status, holder of cities) need some extra ralationship. Try 30+ and it should work.
I don't think it's purely linked to relationship. In my game it required around that much relationship at first, but by the time I had almost killed off the Fierdsvain and they only had one castle/village left people were offering to join me who barely even liked me at all. There seems to be some element of faction strength involved in it. I may be wrong, though.
I'd like to know what the requirements to hire the Chosen of Indar (jatu merc company) are, since i'm on positive relations with the jatu and i can't hire them. Maybe defeating by yourself a jatu army or being on negative terms with the noldor would help?

Thanks in advance
yep, following the pendor culture. I've managed to unlock every merc company but them, even though im on positive terms with them.
Well, its not a big deal, nor a gamebreaking issue, so no problem at all

Thx for the quick reply
kowalskiy said:
yep, following the pendor culture. I've managed to unlock every merc company but them, even though im on positive terms with them.
Well, its not a big deal, nor a gamebreaking issue, so no problem at all

Thx for the quick reply

Are you sure they're not employed by someone else?
Hi guys,

It's been a while since I played PoP and I really love this current Warband version!

I just have two quick questions:

1) Asking captured Kings for their weapons. Do I need to have a positive relation with them or do I simply need to make sure their faction has less than five (or was it three) walled fiefs?

2) Does the Companion Wheel come into play if one of them has been made a vassal? E.g if Ediz is my vassal will Lethaldiran refuse to stay in my party?
mTk said:
Hi guys,

It's been a while since I played PoP and I really love this current Warband version!

I just have two quick questions:

1) Asking captured Kings for their weapons. Do I need to have a positive relation with them or do I simply need to make sure their faction has less than five (or was it three) walled fiefs?

2) Does the Companion Wheel come into play if one of them has been made a vassal? E.g if Ediz is my vassal will Lethaldiran refuse to stay in my party?

1) i think it was six, and no idea about the relations, though i think it doesnt matter (may be completely wrong here)

2) nope, only plays for member in your party. Companion lords dont count for it, neither minister companions or training companions (training the CKO)
Awesome! Thanks for the answers guys. Looks like I can save my qualis gems for a ruby two handed weapon instead now that I know I'm very close to getting Bahadur Khan's bow
Is it possible to change the knighthood order you have joined? I started out with K of the Raven Spear but I now have decided I would prefer to go the 'canonical' route of Knights of the Griffon.

Ok so I see from the wiki it is possible to quit an order. Is it possible if the Grandmaster quest has already been started but not completed? The knight in Poinsbruk isn't giving me any dialogue option to quit.
You can leave your order just by speaking to one of the knights at a chapter and asking to.  Unless you're grandmaster, then you're stuck.  You will have a relations drop with ALL the orders when you leave.
oldark said:
You can leave your order just by speaking to one of the knights at a chapter and asking to.  Unless you're grandmaster, then you're stuck.  You will have a relations drop with ALL the orders when you leave.
Thanks - just noticed that from the wiki but is it possible if the Grandmaster quest has already been started but not completed? The knight in Poinsbruk isn't giving me any dialogue option to quit. Sounds like it isn't if the knight is the one who gives the choice.

Oh well, i am only owning Poinsbruk for now as a stop gap until I capture a Capital so.. :smile:
As far as I know, skills have no effects on the ministers. I tend to use the wife, as she doesn't really fit any other purpose (other than keeping tabs on our larder, I guess)
Is it a common thing for the chat to break when you attack the Snake Cult Stronghold? Ingame message just stopped appearing after I attacked the Stronghold, and only reappeared after I saved and reloaded (I also restarted the game)
azenky said:
Is it a common thing for the chat to break when you attack the Snake Cult Stronghold? Ingame message just stopped appearing after I attacked the Stronghold, and only reappeared after I saved and reloaded (I also restarted the game)

It happened in 1 out of my 3 games, so I wouldn't say it's too common but it happens...
I´ve had it happening on and off - sometimes the gamelog is just clustered up and you get spammed with messages shortly afterwards.
Nothing too serious and concerning.
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