League of Legends: Players lists

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Grandmaster Knight
Because you asked for it, and I'm too lazy to check everything up myself, this is a thread for the players of LoL to find one another. Just jolt down your info here and I'll update the OP with everyone.

North Americuh

1- Kiarj
Summoner's name: Morkei Phgmn
Level: 30
Main Champs: Akali, Wukong
Alts: Brand, Poppy, Kayle, Twisted Fate, Alistar

2- Avidius Cassius
Summoner's Name: Crikker
Level: 30
Main Champs: Kog'Maw, Talon
Alts: Everybody.

3- Mage246
Summoner's Name: The Obelisk
Level: 21
Main Champs: Anything AD and Ranged
Alts: None yet, only AD runes

Summoner Name:Evilknightz
Level 30
Main champs:AP Veigar, Annie, Lux are my best
Alt:AP Tanks (Amumu, Alistar)

Summoner's name: Gooner1990
Level: 30
Main Champs: Jax, Irelia, GP, Nasus
Alts: Xin, Pant, Ashe, Akali

Summoner's name: GarretEadSmasha
Level: 2
Main Champs: Mordekaiser

Summoner's name: Origiona
Level: 30
Main Champs: Riven, Urgot, Kayle.
Alts: Loads.

Summoner's name: Sashikorusu
Level: 30
Main champs: Sona, Soraka, Orianna
Alts: Leona, Ashe

Name: Tucklesbot
Level: Nub
Main: Rammus

Summoner's name: Amagic
Level: 4 (rising fast)
Main Champs: Akali, Kennen, Fiddlesticks, Talon (none unlocked, will try to get Akali and Kennen after that)
Alts: Tristana, Leblanc, Xin Zhao, Jax (none unlocked yet)

11- Snoopy257
Summoner's name: Snoopy257
Level: 28
Main Champs: Nunu, Ammumu, Fiddle Sticks, Jax (I can jungle with all of them)
Alts: Cho Gath, Rammus, Galio

Main Champs:Master Yi

Name: Steeldrake
Level: 30
Current Main: Kennen; Leona; Riven; Akali

EU West

1- Calodine
Summoner's Name: Calodine
Level: 27
Main Champs: Malhazar, Jarvan IV, Ezreal, Irelia, Graves, Warwick, Nocturne
Alts: Sion, Rumble, Garen, Brand, Alistar, Twisted Fate

Summoner's Name: The Obelisk
Level: 30
Main Champs: Malzahar, and basically anything AP or AD Ranged

Summoner's Name: I forget
Level: Nub
Main Champs: Rammus, looking to get back into Teemo

4- Belendor
Summoner's Name: BelendorTorheal
Level: 13 (Soon to be 30)
Main Champs: Master Yi, Amunnu, Alistar, Tristana and Tyrndamere.

Summoner name: Grimpiss
Level: 30
Main champs: Nidalee, Akali, Cassiopeia.
Can average most roles.

Summoner's Name: H4rdn3sskill3r
Level: 12
Main Champs: Cho'Gath

Summoner's Name: Varric
Level: 30
Main Champs: Annie, Nocturne, Amumu, Rammus, Singed, Swain, everyone else.

Summoner's Name: SootShade
Level: 30
Main Champs: Nidalee
Alts: Janna, Alistar

Summoner's Name: Eyelex
Level: 30
Main Champs: Irelia, Mordekaiser, Rumble, Lee Sin (jungle), Nocturne (jungle), Annie, Alistar, Taric, Caitlyn, Amumu (jungle ofc)!
Alts: Morgana, Ashe, Blitzcrank, Akali, Fiddlesticks(jungle), Malphite, Nunu (jungle), Olaf (jungle)

Summoner name: Tryko
Level: 30
Main champs: Yorick, Swain, Fiddlesticks, Ashe, Karma.
Alts: Kassadin, Alistar, Twisted Fate, Olaf, Ryze, Singed, LeBlanc, Lux, Nasus, Nidalee.

Summoner's Name: Shortstack
Level: 30
Main Champs: Any ranged AD carry
Alts: tanky Nasus, support Taric, AP Katarina

Summoner's name: Ithian
Main Champs: Yorick, Udyr, Kassadin, Swain
Alts: Irelia, Jax, Kayle, Riven Annie

Summoner's Name: CoR Overlord
Level: 24
Main Champs: Shaco, Orianna, Fiddlesticks.
More of a specialist. Few alts, if any.

EU East

Summoner's name: Amagic
Level: 30
Main Champs: Akali, Kennen, Fiddlesticks, Talon
Alts: Tristana, Leblanc, Xin Zhao, Jax

3-King of Scotland
Summoner's name: King of Scotland
Main Champ: Kayle, Alistar, Veigar
2- Avidius Cassius
Summoner's Name: Crikker
Level: 30
Main Champs: Kog'Maw Talon
Alts: Everybody.
Cadoline said:
Could we not just have one thread with three lists in the OP?

If EU players want to post their info here, sure, I'll make other lists. Specify the server, of course.
1- Calodine
Summoner's Name: Calodine
Level: 19
Main Champs: Malhazar, Jarvan IV
Alts: Sion, Rumble

EU West.
North America -

Summoner's Name: The Obelisk
Level: 21
Main Champs: Anything AD and Ranged
Alts: None yet, I only have AD runes

EU West -

Summoner's Name: The Obelisk
Level: 30
Main Champs: Malzahar, and basically anything AP or AD Ranged
EU West

Summoner's Name: BelendorTorheal
Level: 11 (Soon to be 30)
Main Champs: Master Yi, Amunnu, Alistar, Tristana and Tyrndamere.
EU West
Summoner name: Grimpiss
Level: 30
Preferred champs: Nidalee, Akali, Cassiopeia.
I don't main per say since I can play most roles averagely.
Summoner's name: Gooner1990
Level: 30
Main Champs: Jax, Irelia, GP, Nasus
Alts: Xin, Pant, Ashe, Akali

Looking forward to a game with you boys :smile:
EU East (One and only, eh?)
Summoner's Name: CoR Overlord
Level: 24
Main Champs: Shaco, Orianna, Fiddlesticks.
Alts: Can't really think of any, I have a few champs but I'm specialise kind of guy.
Summoner's name: GarretEadSmasha (I know right)
Level: 2
Main Champs: Mordekaiser
Alts: None as of yet.

Totally not a noob in any way shape or form.
EU West
Summoner's Name: H4rdn3sskill3r
Level: 12 (don't let the level deceive you, my champion dosen't need runes)
Main Champs: Cho'Gath

Add me, I usually play with the Ndtions folk, but sometimes I'm forever alone so yeh :'(
Summoner's name: Origiona
Level: 30
Main Champs: Riven, Urgot, Kayle.
Alts: Loads.

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EU east
Summoner's name: Amagic
Level: 30
Main Champs: Akali, Kennen, Fiddlesticks, Talon
Alts: Tristana, Leblanc, Xin Zhao, Jax

I'm dying for a premade with at least 1 person, as long as there's Skype and cookies. Might also move to west or US, 'cause the people east just blow, in just about every sense.
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