Kator Viridian said:
Hekko Lancers beat sworded cav ... sworded cav can beat lancers ... you are highly UNLIKELY to run into someone who is ... yourself, the points and equations you have made are if people are equally matched ... when in fact and gameplay they never are. Yes lancers beat sworded cavalry but do a test online ... which you can't do to prove your statement based on the fact you cant run the test, but failing to look at infantry is an even weaker way to try to win your argument, for one a dragoon does have a fourth attack direction ... his carbine has a melee mode.
I, as a person who believes everyone to be unique, would say it is impossible to run into yourself online, yet still one HAS to assume that one runs into oneself (or rather someone with exactly the same skill level in the objects of comparison as you do (since no one has an equal skill distribution between weapons and situations). This HAS to be done in order to get at the variable you are trying to analyze, in this case the strength of the lancer class. You also have to understand this, otherwise any further reasoning on my part is a waste of breath.
I can think of a few ways to test this actually, however, I lack the interest, time and rescources to do it.
One would just be to see on avarage how many kills and deaths lancers and sword cavalry get, since I assume equal skill distribution accross all classes of the game.
Another one would be to grab a hundred lancers and a hundred sword cavalry men and then first have them fight 10 duels against those in their own class, and then 10 duels against everyone of the oposite class. And you can then see if lancers do disproportionatley well compared to the skill levels established by the class-internal duels. Hell, even 30 lancers and 30 sword armed cavalry men would be enough to assume a normal distribution.
Having to look at infantry is not really necessary for the way the argument is constructed (infact that is why the argument in my opinion is so powerful, since you do not have to bring in a very hard to quantify degree of preferences), and since I as an infatryman have an interest from that point of view I might as well drop that, since it will avoid alot of l2p comments, which I as well as other people who have suggested that lancers might be slightly too powerful have recieved.
If you feel that this infantry versus cavalry must be had I suggest you make a new topic called something like "The balance of power between infantry and cavalry is fine"
I am glad that you pointed out the fact that dragoons can use a fourth attack direction, however, it is indirectly already accounted for in my equation as a part of the utility given by the carbine, furthermore it is fairly marginal.
Kator Viridian said:
Hussards-150 1 hander
other heavy cav - 50 1 hander
lancer - lance = 3x weaker hussar
lancer>Hussar = lancer with lance
hussar>lancer = without lance
I think I'm happily correct there, thus disproving most of your hypothesis.
Source: http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,150652.0.html
Also dragoons have 110 1 hander.
I am glad you finaly opted to aproach the argument this way.
My question goes out to all cavalry players though, how important is that extra onehanded skill? I have always thought that cavalry versus cavalry is more about slashing at each other when you pass each other, rather than a lengthy fencing match, which would imply that timing is key and thus the extra speed confered by the one handed skill is fairly wasted, the extra damage is of course a bonus, but considering the speed bonuses at play of light cavalry will this matter that much?
On foot of course the weapon skill does come into larger effect, which in turn obviously should add utility towards the hussar. So I must agree I have not factored in everything into the equation. However, I still believe that I have factored in the most important utilities, since the ones you have brought up seem marginal to me compared to the ones I brought up, nevertheless, you are indeed correct, the initial equation is slightly flawed.