Kator Viridian said:
I was going to reply to the reasoning of equations you put up but I'm going to reply to this one instead.
1) missed about several variables from your equations, including skill level, tactfulness, tilder key use, back attacks, weapon strengths, velocity, couch/not couch, weapon length, weapon power, heavy swords, horse health, infantry health, infantry power, ect.
The thing is these either equal eachother out or are included in simplified form in the equations weapon power+weapon length = UtilityWeapon
Alot of the things you are trying to include here have no bearing on the point I am trying to make, infantry for instance does not come into it at all. Skill does not come in either, I am not trying to predict the outcome of an engagement, I am trying to prove that lancers indeed have more options at their disposal, that they don't have to pay for and that they thus are better than other cavalry.
To derrive the equations a bit further back, a lancer without a lance is a hussar (or comperable light cavalry man) for all intents and purposes, correct?
Thus you arrive at:
So if the lance has a positive value and is added back you get to:
Now the beauty of this is that it doesn't have to quantify how overpowered the lance is, that is up to each and everyone to decide for themself.
Kator Viridian said:
2) Battles and fights of skill are NEVER numbers. Odds are numbers ... events are not. Mathematical Equation will not work in this context such as mathematical equation has not proved the existance of god ... events cannot and will never be fortold through equations.
A lance is based of skill not power, for example a head hit with a lance is an instant kill, same with a bayonete, both can cause instant kills with stabs to the chest and both will not instant kill with a stab to the feet. The lance has a bit more length and the mobility of a horse ... but suffers a hell of a lot when dismounted (which is another thing you have not taken into account at all if the lancer is dismounted).
Again, I am not trying to fortell any outcomes. Besides a dismounted lancers has an advantage over other cavalry again, due to the lance:
Dismounted Lancer-Lance=Dismounted Hussar
Kator Viridian said:
The current lancer usage is not overpowered otherwise what I said would be true ... unskilled people would always be winning vs the skilled infantry ... which by the way is not true.
Once again my reasoning is not from a infantry vs. lancer point of view. It's about whether or not someone trying to maximize the benefits of the class choise would choose lancer over other cavalry. Also things do not have to be as extreme as you suggest for it to be imbalanced, it's enough for lancers to do disproportinatly well for them to be overpowered.
Kator Viridian said:
The light cavalry sabre (Which has 3 attack directions not 4! unless you were refering to those weird russian ones I think) has its advantages which you have not considered ... how close they are, the lance is useless up close on horseback (Low none existant blunt damage) the light cavlary sabre then chews them up. Also noting you saying "Horses health" yes you get dismounted as a dragoon but you can now downblock until he takes out his sword and I have done this many occasions and take out his horse to which you can slash him on the floor.
I am counting the lance as the 4th attack direction.
And lancers have light cavalry sabers too.
Once the dragoons is dismounted it becomes a non-issue though, since he is effectively infantry, which is something I am not touching upon. But to turn the reasoning, if a lancer gets dismounted the dragoon cannot touch the lancer, ever.
Kator Viridian said:
Now I don't know where you got your argument stand point from (possibly from personal experiance difficulties with lancers, hatred of lancers, not wanting lancers in game, people being idiots to you as lancers and boasting on kills, ect) but there is nothing OPed about the lancers, they were strong in real life but in this game they are much much weaker. Also a note from native, the horses have a lot less HP ... or bayonetes do a lot more damage.
While I do find an avarage lancer harder to deal with than an avarage sword cavalry man, I still can stay alive ad infinitum against him. Furthermore I am not arguing this from my own point of gain, since I mostly play as line infantry, I am just merly pointing out that if this would be a case where you rationally would try to maximize the power gained from the class choise (within the sub-group of cavalry) the rational pick for a very overwhelming majority would be to pick lancer, since even if you like hussars better you can achieve the same results with a lancer, while still having the OPTION to couch/stab.
Edit: Essentially what I am trying to do here is that if you have some sort of financial arbitrage-ish view on things lancers are better.