I'm stuck in a lord, yes literally a LORD

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I talked with this lord for something and now I'm stuck in him. I can't move it just keeps starting a conversation with him. I say I need to go or something then after map loads a second load screen begins and I find myself talking with this lord. Sometimes I can see the map but whatever I do I can't just get out of him, whatever I do it starts a conversation. Anyone experienced this and fixed it without loading previous saves( I don't have any other save) if I see the map I also can't do anything because when I start the time it starts a conversation,

Go to Documents/Bannerlord/config/engine_config and change the number after cheat_mode from 0 to 1. Launch the game and load up your save, hold control, and click like you were going to move. This will teleport you out of the lord. I would recommend turning cheat mode off after this.
There must be something between you 2 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Have you tried to enable cheats and then ctrl+ left click on any part of the map to teleport there?
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