I can not create a kingdom, version 1.4.1

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Hello, I can’t create a kingdom, version 1.4.1. The quest is buggy, the NPC does not accept it.

The kingdom creation button, with achievements of rank 4, has completely disappeared. I thought the problem with saves, and decided to start all over again, but the function never appeared.

Who faced such a problem?

I apologize for such a translation.
I had this problem, which I felt was a major game stopper, but apart from some posts on Reddit, nobody here commented on my post, so I also have restarted and getting close to clan level 4 again.
If it is still bugged, (1.4.1) , which is not at all well publicised considering it is a game stopper, (people should be screaming), then I will likely implode.
It is a real grind getting to this point, 10 nobles to visit, then a long gap between clan level 3 to 4, just to really get the game going, and it will finish me, (I will be 79 soon), and my frail body could not cope with such frustration :dead:
I stopped using all mods but one when I was getting crashes.
After update your able to make kingdom without the quest you just need tier 4 and a settlement.
Even if you make a kingdom, you are not actually a king. You have no control over your "kingdom" and are basically just along for the ride.
Even if you make a kingdom, you are not actually a king. You have no control over your "kingdom" and are basically just along for the ride.
I also was not able to proceed with the main quest after satisfying all the requirements, though it used to work! Anyway, the create kingdom button did appear for me, so now I am doing my own thing. I have three towns and a castle, but no vassals at this time, but as it's my 4th attempt to get to the end with over 600 hours invested in Bannerlord, and I have a kick ass gang created, and I too can steam roll, at least at the moment :party:
I must admit I have stopped playing twice due to utter frustration at the "going backwards" sometimes with the updates, (I am playing 1.4.1), but after 3 or 4 days I find myself having another go.
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