i attack 3 times same lord in 10 minutes only... Tweak needed

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i saw an enemy lord. I attack and win. 1 mile far from here i help my liege to take a town. Just after the siege i saw the same lord next to us. Ran after him, fight him and won.

Run after another lord and seconds after that, still the same lord i saw on campaign map for the 3rd time in only a few minutes after he has already lost 2 fights.

Please, could you tweak that ? Lords should need to take time to go back to their settlement. Time to heal themselves. Time to gather a new army (in villages or in their settlement => which should have less troops after that). But please stop this heresy ! it's not realistic. It's not a fun gameplay. It was better in warband where we can see them with 0/1 party size in a town or castle waiting for healing and army recruitment. Logic, realistic and normal gameplay.

if i fight a lord, i expect not to see him again before at least 1 or 2 weeks (who said 3 ?) ! Thanks.
Somehow its hard to believe lords army hiring mechanic is really implemented as described. I fight same lord every 1-2 game days and hes having more than 100 troops..
But it's a realistic game play, you also can put your finish trained troop as garrison in some town and taking it back as you needed.

If he had many towns it should to be a while for you to completely deplete them.
A lord that has been defeated is gravely injured. It should take him a few days to heal up at least. Someone that injured shouldn't be able to escape either, but that is a different subject.
But it's a realistic game play
no, it's not. Have ever failed in combat ? Do you know how many game days you need to recover from 1% to 100% of your health ? How many game days you need to go to your settlement and come back ? Sometime a quest recquiring you to clean a hideout next to a village, you need half a day to make the trip !
That depend on the injured state description in game and how well his bodyguard to protect him, also the game days doesn't scale with real world, you can compare your character age with in game days. (I'm almost 37 with 600 in game days, wtf)

You don't deal with a kingdom 11000 kingdom power like I do, foe me it's not an issue cause the Ai is stupid.

Just designed to boost my weapon skill fast IMO. Their AI is dumb anyway, if they nerf this then peoples will complain hard to raising weapon skill again.
so I just execute every lord I imprison.Will see what effect that has later in game.
i assume you will have traits like : Mercy (-10 cruelty), no honor etc... So you should have difficulties to barter to recruit lords, get married... But i will try myselft since getting married in this game seems so strange / difficult. Were are women ? Were are quests to "come speak with me my sweet lord" ? i think i will dye alone ^^
i assume you will have traits like : Mercy (-10 cruelty), no honor etc... So you should have difficulties to barter to recruit lords, get married... But i will try myselft since getting married in this game seems so strange / difficult. Were are women ? Were are quests to "come speak with me my sweet lord" ? i think i will dye alone ^^

You don't lose Mercy. Its some other trait, cant remember (deceitful maybe)... Yea, already married but getting lords is hard (everybody -100 relations). I could get 2 of them, but only from southern Empire, which has only 1 city left in my game. Only mercenaries would apply to my kingdom :smile:.
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