How to use spies what to do with a spy

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Knight at Arms
I purchased a spy from my chancellor for 3000.
He appears in my party just as a spy I recruited from a tavern.

How do you send the spy to do their tricks in the enemy town?
There is no dialog option with the spy, in  camp menu or with any of my Lordly assistants.
Right click a city, village or castle and you should get an option to 'send spy'.  I've forgotten the exact math but there's a limit to how many spies you can have infiltrating cities at any one time.
Sobakozoid said:
The best way to use spies - is to use them as an intercept party for fast moving enemy. Right click on the enemy and you will see it in the menu there.

I have 3 spies in my party, and when I right click on enemy I can schoose:

Move there,
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Send massanger: when i send is: challange, buy food, insult.

what schoose to slow enemies?

[Brytenwalda polished 1.05]
piwniczne said:
I have 3 spies in my party...

For intercepting faster parties the bandits can slow them by skirmishing with them. 

There is a minimum number of spies before the "skirmish" option is available in the right-click menu.  I believe that the minimum is 5 spies.
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