How to insert new vambraces/arm guards into the game?

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Time Golem

I made a new vambrace model but I don't understand how this particular type of item works in terms of having it associate with matching gloves and at what coordinates the meshes should be placed.
If I go by the positioning of the native models such as scale_gauntlets_a_Lx, my mesh ends up way off. Also it completely replaces the hands since it's identified as hand armor, just like gloves. How does the native set of gauntlets work when it's a matching set of gloves and arm guards?
I guess a work-around would be to make the vambrace mesh part of the glove item but I'd prefer to keep them separate and have more texture space for each.

Doh! Figured it out right after posting this  :oops:. Just made a new item with matching names and the "x" suffix.
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