How is pw doing?

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Subject sums it up :smile:.  How is the mod doing?  How is the rp horizon?  Any awesome changes?  I'd read through all of the forums and what not but I think having insight and the words of the people is always best.
I'm still here and administrating on US_PW_East_RP, if that's what you'd like to hear.

There are still some old players and then some that are finding their way back including myself. A few small RP events here and there making for a cozy roleplaying community.
I see, well yes it is good to see/read from you Friedrich.  And it's good to hear that some of the veterans are still around/migrating back.  It's safe to say that pw does have an ebb and flow to it's tides no?
Paladin_Bayard said:
I see, well yes it is good to see/read from you Friedrich.  And it's good to hear that some of the veterans are still around/migrating back.  It's safe to say that pw does have an ebb and flow to it's tides no?

Absolutely. Like I have stated in my "farewell post", my interest in PW tends to fluctuate and I suppose I can say the same for some other players that have returned around the same time that I did.

Now that I am back, I am currently working on a major roleplay event centered around Mettenheim. This time, however, I have went extremely in depth with the lore and you can expect a thread for my 3rd Mettenheim Civil War Grand Campaign event anytime between next week and Christmas.

Looking forward to see you back in-game and I'm sure others do as well.
Barradin said:
Paladin_Bayard said:
I see, well yes it is good to see/read from you Friedrich.  And it's good to hear that some of the veterans are still around/migrating back.  It's safe to say that pw does have an ebb and flow to it's tides no?

Absolutely. Like I have stated in my "farewell post", my interest in PW tends to fluctuate and I suppose I can say the same for some other players that have returned around the same time that I did.

Now that I am back, I am currently working on a major roleplay event centered around Mettenheim. This time, however, I have went extremely in depth with the lore and you can expect a thread for my 3rd Mettenheim Civil War Grand Campaign event anytime between next week and Christmas.

Looking forward to see you back in-game and I'm sure others do as well.

Certainly excited to read this lore!  And yes with the newborn baby and full time work I won't quite be returning in full until the span of another 8 weeks or so is spent.  After the holiday season I won't be working 6 days a week and will be able to put some time into the game on weekends and most definately look forward to bringing what rp I can with me back to pw.  I'm quite pleased as well to see so many familiar names, factions, and friends.  Mettenheim, medith, glendor, so many good memories heh.  I hope to hear more and more about the rp horizon as well.
Glendor hasn't 'dissolved' so much as it has joined the People's Empire as a self-governing 'sub-nation' that is ruled by Cerantia.  Think like a protectorate.  Tidwell just... kinda... left, and, to my knowledge, I'm the only surviving ally of the Noble House/Kingdom and, as a result, took in the abandoned lands and people.
Nice to see you Bayard, i'd love to catch up with you. Mind me asking, (Sorry if it is offending) but is the baby born yet? Anyway, a bit has changed in PW the new features are amazing, armour crafting, herding. And a few emotes which aren't as useless as a lot of us thought. It seems a lot of the NA folk are still around. But barely any of the EU folk are around, a handful are.
I hear its doing well. Then again people are deceitful lollygaggers at times.  I do ponder at the thought of returning, but I don't quite know what I'd do with myself, not administrating a server and all  :neutral: -Kentara
Barradin said:
Scorpia said:
Mind me asking, (Sorry if it is offending) but is the baby born yet?

Paladin_Bayard said:
...with the newborn baby and full time work I won't quite be returning in full until the span of another 8 weeks or so is spent.
Herpa Derpa. Didn't see that message.

flans said:
I'm still here and i do not plan on going anywhere soon . Sadly most of old Eu players are gone or under other names.
I only know a few went under other names, but at least there is some of my old friends to assassinate my enemies.  :lol:
A lot of "old" roleplayers left, but Asgrim and I are still around a bit, and I know a few others stuck around. Although, a lot of us moved on.

Welcome back.
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