How can I find the servers

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I know that this must have been explained somewhere but I have no idea where.
My question is: where are the servers?
Thanks in advance :grin:

P.S. I have already installed the module normally.
Have you ever played M&B online before?

Click "Multiplayer" and it should present you with a list of servers. One of the columns will display the mod that the server is running -- look for AoFI. (Usually the name of the server is "X Server", though sometimes other servers are up)
Hibiki said:
Have you ever played M&B online before?
just lol

I have already done what you are saying but I don't find any servers running with the AoFI module.
Is it possible that know nobody is hosting?
lol - sorry! I just couldn't think of any reason why you wouldn't find it.

I just checked - the server is up and working just fine.

I have heard of other people having problems seeing different servers in cRPG and other mods, so it might be a bug with M&B's server list.  Try searching the forums.
Well that's weird cause I still can't see it.
I'll try later in the day to change to version 1.131 from 1.132 and see if that makes any difference.
Thanks for the help anyway.
I checked out tonight and the problem had been solved.I actually played for half an hour or so.

Off topic:You have done a really nice job on the mod.
I'm glad you got it working! What was the problem?

And, welcome to the mod/community!
i know why now and every1 whit the problem check this in the filter u can select max ping so if the server gets a bad ping for u u might not se it if it goes above the selected
Doom Bunny said:
Add it to favourites as soon as you find it, that should solve the problem for future times.

Yes but if u have the filter set for ping and the servers ping is over that it wont show on Favourites either =P so if u cant find it look over the Ping FIlter
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