House Blacklust ***Recruiting Roleplayers***

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I'm so sorry i've been inactive!
Honestly i did not think Blacklust would pull through...

But Lara you are the one keeping all togheter, And for that i thank you with all my heart.
And i'm back too and will start makeing a name for us once again!

RCC is a really good server i vote we play on it as i "know" the Admins and some Moderators.
They will soon change the map, It's beeing constructed as we speak.

And welcome to the family newcomers! (Btw you're probably more experienced then but anyways :smile:.)

I suggest all register at , Because if we take part in discussions we will start makeing our name known and will gain respect from the respected players on the server.
Updated rules at

Best regards Jasper. :wink:
And can everybody use their Blacklust name in Mp nick pls, It would be lot easyer to know who's who. :wink:
Rcc forum Nick: Darthjeppe

Thank you.

It's been a long while since i was on pw4 but now i'm playing some and Eu_Union is now the server that has the major population.
Is anyone still up for some Rp?
And has House Blacklust hidden amongst the shadows once more?

Kindest Regard Jasper.

I am aeldarian, if you were wondering :smile:
Never heard of you guys before but if your goals are to create a good RP then you have my wishes for you, good luck!  :mrgreen:
Have been helping Jasper with some of the house lore- hoping to throw an event your way at some point in the near-ish future.

To those wondering where the hell i've been for the last months- work has been an absolute killer. Been abroad for most the time since November.
Was talking to Aeldarian earlier (Cpt Pendleton if your confused  :twisted:) Seems a dedicated leader is needed, seeing as Durrel is inactive, and I'm drowning at work. Darth Jeppe seems to have been the one doing the ground work for all this, so unless anyone has particular issues I suggest he becomes forum leader- Obviously higher ranking on the familly tree will mean a higher rank for RP purposes.

I will be online as much as I can- in tags. I hop to catch up with some of you there.
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