History of Bannerlord: The Battle of Pendraic

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Most of contents are maintaining as origin as possible, but some of them are made up for telling a more logical storyline or personal preference (Such as Dragon Banner, the original Dragon banner is ugly, so I repleaced with Eagle flag style to make it looks cool).
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Wow, wow lol. So PIN THIS! Lol I would fact check this but I'm to lazy to write the accounts down and draw a time table map and such. All in all it sounds pretty accurate just from what I remember of talking to the nobles. Love the anime feel it gave to the game haha!
As a military history enthuasist this might be one of the most painfully frustrating battles to watch. Surely up there with Carrhae and Cannae. Actually this battle could be this world's Cannae as well. Or it's just that the writers were too lazy to write something interesting.
As a military history enthuasist this might be one of the most painfully frustrating battles to watch. Surely up there with Carrhae and Cannae. Actually this battle could be this world's Cannae as well. Or it's just that the writers were too lazy to write something interesting.
Most people say it is referencing the battle of Manzikert in 1071
Thanks for visualizing it like this OP, its hard to imagine the story since we get it from a dozen people in game.
Great video. One thing that bothers me is that if I remember correctly Caladog mentioned something about throwing wooden trunks at Imperial army before they started the slaughter. However I may be mistaken in this.

Most of contents are maintaining as origin as possible, but some of them are made up for telling a more logical storyline or personal preference (Such as Dragon Banner, the original Dragon banner is ugly, so I repleaced with Eagle flag style to make it looks cool).

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