Hexidecimal to Decimal converter or Decimal colorpicker

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I was using a colorpicker that could take the color code of anything you held the mouse key over, pause and get the code. Only downside was that there were no direct 10 number decimal code.

I have been searching the internet for hours looking for this. I need it to set back colours for heraldic armour. I end up finding wrong ones giving me translations into the wrong number of digits (i need a 10 digit color code) or something completely else.

Even better would be if someone knew of a similar colorpicker that could register color code from the screen but showed the code in 10 number decimal code.

Thanks in advance :wink:
Try with an Image editing program, such as GIMP or Photoshop.

With GIMP at least I know it works, you can pick it with the Color Picker, Double Click on the color in the toolbar, and get the color code in HTML standard that can be used in the Module System again.

EDIT: Just add 0x in front of the code if you want to use it in MS, then it should work for whatever you want to use it.
Windows Calculator can do it for you.
Use scientific view, switch to hexcode, get the number in, switch to decimal view again and voila.
Though I don't know why you'd even want it, with decimal numbers you can't see the colors, only the code. (edit: ignore this comment if it confuses you... :razz: )
In scripts.txt under initialize_banner_info you have a list of all the banner back colours. With no prevail could I add the frontside to the backside, so the alternative will be to at least get decent matching backsides to the new banners I added.

Here is an example from a banner (number 9):

360287970189640517 9 4291693599 500 3

That is why I need to get this color code. Weird I could not find a colorpicker that display this code.

Windows Calculator can do it for you.
Use scientific view, switch to hexcode, get the number in, switch to decimal view again and voila.

There is no switch to hexicode button as far as I can see. Where exactly would I switch it? I Have tried the help function, but as it is made by Microsoft it does not really offer any help.

EDIT: Just add 0x in front of the code if you want to use it in MS, then it should work for whatever you want to use it.

I am not using the module system, I am just editing scripts.txt and the banner textures.
Can't you switch to scientific view?
There's a view menu somewhere. At least it used to be in windows xp dont know about other windowses.
I have Windows 7, everything seems to be different... I found a temporary solution though. Taking the color codes from one that actually matched and pasting it onto that banner.

Not perfect but it could be worse.
Keep in mind that the front will be a textured banner, whereas the back will be one colour. I was too lazy to find an average/fringe colour for some banners, so I just copied a similar banner colour and it's not that noticeable with a few adjustments.
Btw, banner 9 is 0xFF524563. The number is actually just a decimal representation of this hex. Use your colour picker to find a 6-digit hex code, then add FF, then use any direct hex to decimal converter (not colours) to get the right colour. Or press Alt+2 or Alt+3 to use Scientific/Programming mode, whichever one has a hex option in Win7.
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