Healing rates for heroes vs regular troops is ass-backwards

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Honestly if you guys are worried about this then just turn down the damage setting to freebooter, there is one for you personally (only 25% dmg taken) so you never go down and barely have to heal.
I feel like you're just being sarcastic but I guess it got pinged as serious so I'll answer it. I would be 100 times better for TW to remove lower difficult options and actually balance the game, test the gameplay and add useful tooltips and tutorials for new players. Difficulty settings are a crutch and a bane of gameplay for all rpg/sandbox type games.
But tbf I love punishing series like dark souls and think the bannerlord setting isn't hard enough.
Dark souls refills your health when you die though. The "punishing" is just a zoomer meme: it's punishing to walk 10 feet back to what you were doing? There's games were you lose exp and de-level if you die.....
It was simply a reference to how I like difficult games.
Oh okay, well it's still stupid that dozens of AI troops can heal to full in the time it take a Lord NPC to heal to 20%, I think stupid things should be removed form the game. Also not being able to use live battle would not matter if they didn't make the auto-calc such worthless garbage and programmed some actual game play for it. No defense for lazy and bad decisions. I don't think annoying things should be counted a difficulty.
Fortunately in this game you aren't forced to just wait in a town, you can still walk about and do anything you want to with 0 health. It only takes 20% of your health to actually participate in a fight, which takes less than a day in game and only a minute or two to actually recover, or if you have the preventative medicine perk you will never be below 20% health since you regain like 30% after a fight.
Yeah but with the paper armour in this game you will survive about 1 hit at 30% health, so you aren't going to want to do that. Now granted, this is more of an issue with the armour than the heal rate. But still, the player heal rate could stand to be a little higher to reduce boring downtime.
Asking for a faster heal rate so you dont have to cry everytime you get your ass handed to you can be seen in the same light.
This is just mischaracterising everyone's stance.
Regardless OP's point is he wants medicine to train faster even though its already had a pretty big buff to its leveling speed compared to before. That's an ok take to have, but complaining that it takes 3 in game days to fully heal yourself (less than 5 minutes irl if you wait in a town at x3 speed) is just asking for the game to be easier overall in my eyes, which I'm against.
Do you actually think Medicine has been buffed enough though? The buff made you level it quicker but you still don't really need it because troops heal so fast.

And waiting in town for 5 real life minutes is not something that should be happening. No game should inflict 5 minutes of downtime intentionally. That isn't difficulty, it's just boring waiting.

People don't want the game to be easier - they want it to be MORE challenging but with LESS unchallenging boring waiting.
I assume the weird balance for troop vs lord healing is just based off of death chance. Your troops have a much larger chance of being killed so they heal up quicker to get as much use as they can, at least that's why I think they operate this way.

People don't want the game to be easier - they want it to be MORE challenging but with LESS unchallenging boring waiting.
I did an INT character when they updated the learning rates for medicine and engineering (like 6 ballista kills for +90 skill in engineering, insane) and it really drives home how boring the base game can be. No need to recruit more troops and sieging goes faster so you can go do more sieges that you can't lose!
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