Good shareware games.

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Not all shareware is distributed like M&B. The old stuff was mainly available on a - try it, and if you like it, you can buy it. But, you got the full version. Obviously, people were reluctant to pay for what was essentially freeware.
But that was the point: you didn't have to. The idea was to rely on people's morals, or some such crap. So, I had a shareware copy of Moslo, which I knew I wouldn't be willing to pay for, and the same with Textpad (although I recieved a licensed version eventually - no difference except for an annoying reminder that you haven't paid disappearing).  Now, a lot of shareware is really more of a demo (like M&B) rather than what I would really term shareware.
Yes, true, there one was a time when you could get the full entire game (all weapons ect), with only the first two levels, as a demo

UT2004 was like that though, it was practically the whole game with only 3 different maps as a demo.
The cool thing about the Unreal World demo is that they only let you play until two in-game weeks pass. But, the thing is, you'll NEVER EVER BE ABLE TO SURVIVE FOR TWO WEEKS.
CrazyEyes said:
The cool thing about the Unreal World demo is that they only let you play until two in-game weeks pass. But, the thing is, you'll NEVER EVER BE ABLE TO SURVIVE FOR TWO WEEKS.

Wrong, once you start to get the hang of it you will have a easy time starting in a non winter setting. The most extreme guys have taken to starting in the winter with the worst starting possible... Like errr escpaing as a slave, was there also some where you were hurt and had maybe a knife or something. =)
Ok, ok I've had it for "some" time and I'm a wussy that usually starts at spring with something that isn't too hard. Travel a bit find a nice spot and start to settle, you know build a cottage a sauna and that stuff. Then I'm also a wussy that uses fences and trap pits to catch most of my food and bow for the things that still live from falling into my spikey trap pit(don't try doing it yourself, it hurts). And when I see a lynx I run like hell. Those nasty cats are evil! Evil I tell you!
Oh and I would like to have a intruders beware sign at my cottage, anyone found trespassing gets killed.
I also like to make a nice travel to a town to trade for salt and other things I find useful like rye flou, tradding away skins and maybe some food and also weapons from those "intruders".
And if you want to be really evil you can be a cannibal... Like kill a guy chop him up and roast the meat and mmmm tasty... Errr but I never do it.
It is fun to try to survive, sometimes it is best to just run. Like lynxes and it is always good to be careful around bears, they hit hard. And well sometiems you can manage to die quite easily. Like from the first hit a njerpez(evil men with scimitars that attack on sight) makes to you can fall down and die. I even died from a glutton when I thought it was easy prey... And if you survive hits don't expect them to heal up in a day or two.

Indie RTS, out next year, looks quite fun. Website has loads of screens and a couple of videos.
"Tribal Trouble"!  :grin:

Much to the annoyance of the local natives, a tribe of mildly retarded, intensely hung-over viking raiders washed up on a remote, tropical island after a considerable storm, and have little or no idea where they are. And so it's up to you to lead either the manic, scuttling natives or the half-drunk, clueless norsemen to victory, as the vikings chose to do some PRB (Pillaging, Raping & Burning) all over the island, having just washed up anyways...
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