Freelancer: Not able to rejoin order after losing

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Not sure if anyone has noticed but if you are under a Knightly Order under Freelancer and lose a battle you are not able to rejoin, even if you go up to the same lord the option to join the order is just not there.
In my experience, in this mod I could never actually rejoin a lord I was serving before. While I could go up and just reenlist it with them it was as if I never served them in the first place (I got the first dialogue where you could pick what unit type to be, and issued new gear too). This works fine for lords, but by joining a military order it eliminates the opportunity to join others, so if you lose one battle you will be unable to rejoin as the game still thinks that you are in one.
Alarmingly Fast Skeleton said:
In my experience, in this mod I could never actually rejoin a lord I was serving before. While I could go up and just reenlist it with them it was as if I never served them in the first place (I got the first dialogue where you could pick what unit type to be, and issued new gear too). This works fine for lords, but by joining a military order it eliminates the opportunity to join others, so if you lose one battle you will be unable to rejoin as the game still thinks that you are in one.

Note that if you reenlist in the army of a lord, or enlist with any lord of the same faction, you will become the same soldier you were when you left service, not matter what status you claim to be.
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