Forum Time 1 hour a head

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La Grandmaster

Sergeant Knight at Arms
Why is the time shown on this forum suddenly 1 hour a head? My time zone is gmt, however the forum shows it one hour ahead of what it should be. Have I done something stupidly wrong? or does this happen for other people? Im pretty confused as I don't think I have changed anything

Its really annoying me  :???:
La Grandmaster said:
Why is the time shown on this forum suddenly 1 hour a head? My time zone is gmt, however the forum shows it one hour ahead of what it should be. Have I done something stupidly wrong? or does this happen for other people? Im pretty confused as I don't think I have changed anything

Its really annoying me  :???:
It's really a plot to get you to release your mod early. :razz:
You can change your time offset via your profile.

Profile -> Summary -> Modify Profile -> Look and Layout
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