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Ah yeah, I see now! You're basically talking about aiming "down sights", whether or not there are proper sights. Yeah, I actually like that idea to be honest. It's a common way to shoot a heavier crossbow, after all. It always did kind of bug me that I couldn't do this in Warband.
I meant that I would like to play without reticle for inmersion, just aiming with the bow or crossbow as if you try it now it's pretty hard to aim well, you have almost no reference as you see the bow or the crossbow on one side.
I think that would be a good improvement. You can always learn every bow with practice by muscle memory, but having some consistence when going FPV would be better. 2 advantages, 1 preventing sniping which shouldn't happen in a medieval game and 2 learning curve to master the box.
Hello there!
I love to play game much harder and always disable player HUD in battles. My experience with melee fights and archery was nice, but crossbow...
Just look at the picture.

If you will play with enabled targeting reticle maybe you will not pay attention to this stupid moment.
But if you want to play like me and shooting without targeting reticle expect for worst shooting experience ever.
Screenshots for comparison.
Bow without targeting reticle:
And bow with enabled targeting reticle:
As you can see targeting reticle is almost at the same position where arrow is. It's enough to archery without HUD even in multiplayer if you want :grin:
But looks at the difference between crossbow reticle and bolt position:
Yes. Reticle is shifted up and even slightly to the left side. It's absolutely unplayable without HUD. Even shoot at this static potters is challenge, not to mention about enemies!:facepalm:
Try using a Ballista on one of your walls during a siege. There is no targeting reiticle for it period lol. Gotta guesstimate it. All the siege weapons need some targeting reticles as well as better indicators for when you're not using the HUD to aim for you.
It's cakewalk after Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Shooting tiny rabbits with a wonky bow works wonders to your skill of guesstimating. Although devs should probably do something about that dutch angle =/
This really bugs me and i can't find an answer anywhere here

Also means you can't see over your shield....

Can TW explain this weird choice?
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