Estonian Forum Section

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Hello guys,

I've been wondering for some time now and I came to a conclusion that it would be nice to have an Estonian forum board. There's a lot of Estonian players spread across the realms of Warband and I am pretty sure a lot of them would be up for it and with upcoming Bannerlord release, there will be a lot of new guys coming up on the forums and game, and "our own" forum board would only help with developing Estonian part of the community.
I've never seen anyone asking for an Estonian Board, so I am probably first right now.

Just look how active the Finnish section is and you can imagine how active the Estonian one would be, a month after being created.

Having said that, if it's no big deal for the admins, then why not?
Personally, I feel a long neglected area that should have its own forum section would be The Seychelles.  They have a minimally active member list and would contribute marginally to the clutter that is so prevalent on our forum today.
Hi Sonia,

We should represent the racist minority. It's like paedophilia, the people can't help it. Racists didn't choose to be racist, it's a disease. Without racism, Hergé's great creation, Tintin, wouldn't exist.

I've also amended the school website to contain the two vacancies with associated documentation for you. Steve said the printer server needs restarting so please could you wait 15 minutes before logging in this morning!

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