Empire background bonus not applying?

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Hi all,

Did a search for a simular topic on this but cant find....anything on it. So apolagies if theres already a thread about htis.

I havent played since just before the game launched. So its been a while. Im currently playing an empire playthrough. And im drowning in garrison fees for the troops. It took me a while to exactly pinpoint why but I just found it. My first thiefs were in Empire lands and I got the background discount on wages for garrisons. So when the game went on and I got more thiefs I figured this would continue to be so. The background bonus says '20% discount on garrisons' after all. So I was kinda puzzled by this. I looked at all the thiefs that ive got and I do think I see where the problem lies.

The lowered upkeep for garrisons only seem to appy to locations that are 'empire' in culture at the start of the game. Ive got a bunch of land just over the Aserai/empire border (most of my thiefs infact) and they dont get the wage reduction. My AI allies also completly ignore that space and force me to defend all this space on my own. Which I solved with strong garrisons. And since then ive been drowning in garrison wage fees and its almost impossible to deal with.

If this is intended (the reduction in fees only applying to empire culture locations), could you please clarify this in the background selection screen? Saying something like 'garrison fees reduced in locations with empire culture' or something like that confers the same information as it does now and also makes it clear you dont get it everywhere. Something it currentl;y doesent do. As it stands a big part of the background bonus isent applied and I feel kinda cheated for it. :-/. Now that I know where the problem lies I can fix it but over half of my playthrough was harder for it because of this fact. So if it can prevented that others suffer the same drawback that would be nice.


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