Does anyone else wish feasting in real life was like Warband?

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Sometimes I look around my kitchen-dining room and wonder with the awe of an excitable 4 year old, what would it like to have a grand feast where all my friends and vassals can come and be merry? But, alas, I am no skull-drinker Chadlous; my house inventory is weak, lacking of both smoked fish and dried meat and my friends prefer jágermeister and absolut instead of good ole butter ale and honeyed wine. Whenever I send messengers out with word that I am holding a feast, my excitement is immediately dashed when I recall the previous times I've sat in the dark kitchen alone, crying through my helmet, and missing the sweet interaction with fellow Lords and Ladies I am used to in game. And on the day of the feast, even the rats infesting the walls of my house have found better company than me, who now sits in dark solitude at the head of an empty hall. Alas, I am doomed to never be able to recreate in real life the great feasts of Praven, Suno, or Jelkala.
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